
« cuber 4 man gets coiled and novad



Uploaded 2020-03-17 00:53:43

Game version 1.32.2

47:58 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)TwilightRuins_LV

Saved by ChuckleMan
Team 0 Winner!
ChuckleMan (103) :
77 APM | 2.7k sources fed | 🗑️ | 🗣️ | 🧻
dirkalicious :
54 APM | 8 towers
Archiebald :
68 APM | 7 towers
Oxion (2) :
61 APM | 22 towers
Team 1 Loser!
DudeWhy (233) :
105 APM | 28 towers | 2.6k sources fed | 👑
Jgraham2 (30) :
61 APM | 78 towers
GIGA (206) :
91 APM | 35 towers
starogre (3) :
76 APM | 38 towers


(0:05 / Allies)  dirkalicious: hi
(1:14 / Allies)  dirkalicious: oops
(1:16 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: hi
(1:18 / Allies)  dirkalicious: hi
(1:27 / All)  ChuckleMan: any gamer girls in chat
(1:35 / All)  starogre: any latinx gamers
(1:37 / All)  ChuckleMan: since we cant leave house now i must find wife thru games
(2:03 / All)  GIGA: iseegamergirlpee
(5:32 / Allies)  dirkalicious: lol
(7:59 / All)  dirkalicious: wtf
(8:00 / Allies)  Archiebald: I'll get glaives
(8:41 / Allies)  Oxion: ty
(9:18 / All)  ChuckleMan: oh
(9:19 / All)  ChuckleMan: premade
(9:22 / All)  ChuckleMan: thgought that was illusions
(9:22 / All)  ChuckleMan: lmao
(9:38 / All)  ChuckleMan: u guys have 4?
(9:40 / All)  ChuckleMan: i want to join if not
(12:23 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: tower your mains
(12:29 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: that guy is definity gonna get bats
(14:54 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: drop an item
(15:10 / Allies)  Oxion: ty
(15:37 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: their plan is to mine at 50 food
(15:40 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: and let us run out of gold
(15:42 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: because we are in upkeep
(18:11 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: stop blocking me
(18:22 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: told u to tower ur bases
(18:33 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: dont make any more air
(18:35 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: they will eat it up
(18:39 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: unless it's bats
(20:54 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: whyt making those
(20:56 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: they wille at those
(21:02 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: dont make anythign they can eat
(21:19 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: cast flare
(21:20 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: everywhere
(21:21 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: so we can see
(21:27 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: flare
(22:17 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: DISMOUNT
(22:18 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: UNMOUNT
(27:08 / All)  GIGA has paused the game
(27:11 / All)  ChuckleMan: hi
(27:11 / All)  dirkalicious has resumed the game
(27:15 / All)  GIGA has paused the game
(27:18 / All)  dirkalicious has resumed the game
(27:19 / All)  GIGA has paused the game
(27:21 / All)  dirkalicious has resumed the game
(27:23 / All)  starogre: cant you wait a sec
(27:29 / All)  ChuckleMan has paused the game
(27:31 / All)  dirkalicious has resumed the game
(28:34 / All)  starogre has left the game
(28:37 / All)  ChuckleMan: gg
(29:17 / All)  ChuckleMan: i have 9000 gold
(29:17 / Allies)  Oxion: do units
(29:18 / Allies)  Oxion: grey
(29:19 / Allies)  Oxion: dude
(29:29 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: the reason their heros are level 4
(29:30 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: and not 10
(29:34 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: is because i havent been feeding units all game
(29:37 / Allies)  dirkalicious: yeah
(29:41 / Allies)  dirkalicious: its true
(29:47 / Allies)  dirkalicious: i havent either tbh
(29:50 / Allies)  dirkalicious: i used those glavies
(29:52 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: if they got all those heros to level 10 we would be beyond fucked
(30:00 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: 3 bolts and 3 lights = insteakill on my herto
(30:54 / Allies)  dirkalicious: grey toss me 200g so i can buy orb
(31:05 / Allies)  dirkalicious: ty
(31:27 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: he instakiklls my livch
(31:44 / Allies)  dirkalicious: this is the longest game
(32:11 / Allies)  Oxion: iwill attack soon
(32:11 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: we need to stay togehter
(32:14 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: and out of range of towers
(32:30 / Allies)  dirkalicious: should i even build
(32:39 / Allies)  Oxion: ok
(32:40 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: somethign he cant kill with that army
(32:41 / Allies)  Oxion: go with me
(33:00 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: tanks are ok
(33:04 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: but be careful of his morts
(33:30 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: keep dryads away from towers
(35:28 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: you guys are feeding out of control
(35:30 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: pretty sure we lost this
(37:28 / Allies)  dirkalicious: is it worth it
(37:30 / Allies)  dirkalicious: i dont even know
(38:34 / Allies)  Oxion: we haveto attack together
(38:49 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: you guys dont have any anti-hero though
(38:55 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: so they can just walk right up and 100-0 us with abilities
(39:09 / Allies)  Oxion: i will finish teal
(39:17 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: the buildings that matter are there
(39:21 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: his old base is totally irrelevant
(39:28 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: u could be killing murlog huts for all that it accomplishes
(41:02 / Allies)  dirkalicious: lmao
(41:05 / Allies)  dirkalicious: thats the dumbest shit
(41:07 / Allies)  dirkalicious: waste of my life
(41:18 / All)  dirkalicious: hope youre happy
(41:22 / All)  dirkalicious: still only counts as one win
(41:28 / All)  dirkalicious: ><
(41:29 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: we didnt lose yet
(41:37 / Allies)  dirkalicious: well
(41:48 / Allies)  dirkalicious: they havent used as much gold
(41:55 / Allies)  dirkalicious: theyve had the same fkn team of flying machines the whole time
(42:23 / Allies)  dirkalicious: death and decay is the only way
(42:36 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: they bol,t me instnatly
(42:39 / Allies)  dirkalicious: yeah
(42:39 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: unless theyre distracted somewhere else
(42:56 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: lets group
(43:02 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: we can hero fight
(43:04 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: with tanks and my wyrms
(43:31 / Allies)  dirkalicious: i could still rez my dh
(43:37 / Allies)  dirkalicious: with 300
(43:44 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: bring tanks
(43:46 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: witjh my wyrms
(43:48 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: so i dont get raped by gyros
(43:50 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: send some to me
(43:54 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: i need a tank escport
(44:26 / Allies)  dirkalicious: you have these
(44:27 / Allies)  dirkalicious: grey
(45:00 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: TANK GUY
(45:01 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: YOU THERE????
(45:06 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: i need tanks with my air
(45:07 / Allies)  dirkalicious: he is
(45:08 / Allies)  ChuckleMan: stop idling
(45:16 / Allies)  dirkalicious: pinky
(47:09 / All)  Jgraham2 has left the game
(47:13 / All)  DudeWhy has left the game
(47:16 / Allies)  dirkalicious: gj
(47:17 / All)  ChuckleMan: at vs rtr
(47:19 / Allies)  dirkalicious: grey you rock
(47:22 / All)  ChuckleMan: and u lost ;o
(48:06 / All)  GIGA has left the game