
« feeling cool



Uploaded 2020-03-07 22:57:59

Game version 1.32.2

13:07 long 3on3 ladder game on (6)ThunderLake_LV

Saved by BEARAND
Team 0 Winner!
iggythefisk :
125 APM | 32 towers | 👑
130 APM | 27 towers | 🗣️
78 APM | 42 towers | 0.6k sources fed
Team 1 Loser!
deeperJungle :
151 APM | 6 towers
Mixs (2) :
50 APM | 🗑️
DarbladErxX :
101 APM | 7 towers


(0:02 / All)  BEARAND has paused the game
(0:03 / All)  BEARAND: hey
(0:04 / All)  BEARAND: 1 sec sorry
(0:08 / All)  BEARAND: teammate is pizza
(0:09 / All)  BEARAND: at the door
(0:14 / All)  deeperJungle: wtf
(0:16 / All)  BEARAND: he said "BRB 2 minutes" 1 minute and 30 seconds ago
(0:16 / All)  deeperJungle: at vs rt?
(0:19 / All)  iggythefisk: the delivery guy is a delivery girl
(0:23 / All)  BEARAND: welcome to reforged :)
(0:27 / All)  Mixs has resumed the game
(0:29 / All)  BEARAND has paused the game
(0:29 / All)  iggythefisk: try your best
(0:30 / All)  BEARAND: manner
(0:30 / All)  deeperJungle has resumed the game
(0:31 / All)  iggythefisk: but have manners
(0:33 / All)  BEARAND has paused the game
(0:35 / All)  deeperJungle has resumed the game
(0:35 / All)  BEARAND: Manner?
(0:35 / All)  Mixs has paused the game
(0:35 / All)  iggythefisk has resumed the game
(0:37 / All)  BEARAND: No manner?
(0:37 / All)  iggythefisk has paused the game
(0:38 / All)  deeperJungle has resumed the game
(0:40 / All)  TIMG4STRok has paused the game
(0:41 / All)  TIMG4STRok: 1 sec
(0:41 / All)  deeperJungle has resumed the game
(0:43 / All)  DarbladErxX has paused the game
(0:44 / All)  deeperJungle has resumed the game
(0:54 / All)  BEARAND: we will remember this breach of manner
(0:57 / All)  deeperJungle: at vs rt is unfair anyway
(1:06 / All)  BEARAND: get on discord with us
(1:06 / All)  TIMG4STRok: what
(1:08 / All)  BEARAND: highper.ch/discord
(1:13 / All)  BEARAND: we can all talk about the game together
(1:21 / All)  deeperJungle: that mmr sucks
(1:25 / All)  BEARAND: !mmr
(1:26 / Private)  BEARAND: Current MMR=1590
(1:26 / All)  iggythefisk: you can stream chear if you want
(1:28 / All)  TIMG4STRok: ?
(1:30 / All)  iggythefisk: twitch.tv/bearand
(1:34 / All)  BEARAND: :)
(6:20 / All)  deeperJungle: lol
(6:44 / All)  deeperJungle: thats why rt vs at is unfair
(6:48 / All)  BEARAND: Yes, towers
(6:52 / All)  iggythefisk: because you're 40 apm birdnoobs?
(6:53 / All)  BEARAND: should have mannered
(6:55 / All)  iggythefisk: how would that help
(7:01 / All)  deeperJungle: no total randoms vs team..
(7:07 / All)  deeperJungle: isn it boring?=
(7:07 / All)  BEARAND: you should have mannered !
(7:15 / All)  deeperJungle: what would c hange
(7:21 / All)  deeperJungle: orange is clearly a beginner
(7:23 / All)  BEARAND: we would be nice to you
(7:28 / All)  iggythefisk: if you go AT
(7:32 / All)  iggythefisk: he will still be a beginner
(7:33 / All)  iggythefisk: as will you
(7:37 / All)  deeperJungle: of im not
(7:40 / All)  deeperJungle: 70 % win ftw
(7:51 / All)  iggythefisk: 70% win rate in reforged dear me :(
(8:05 / All)  deeperJungle: well 20 discs
(8:08 / All)  deeperJungle: 1 week
(8:11 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i have 21 discs
(8:12 / All)  deeperJungle: and u got many at wins
(8:14 / All)  deeperJungle: wow skilled
(8:24 / All)  iggythefisk: all take a guess on blues APM
(8:28 / All)  TIMG4STRok: 54
(8:30 / All)  BEARAND: 45
(8:31 / All)  deeperJungle: 166
(8:33 / All)  iggythefisk: will be revealed after the game on https://highper.ch
(8:45 / All)  TIMG4STRok: the real question is when does blue quit
(8:50 / All)  BEARAND: 15 mins
(8:52 / All)  TIMG4STRok: my guess: 27 minutes
(10:40 / All)  TIMG4STRok: let me clarify
(10:49 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i don't think you put up a fight for 27 minutes
(10:58 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i think your allies leave and you hide farms for that long because you're mad at us
(11:04 / All)  BEARAND: should have mannered!!!
(11:11 / All)  BEARAND: we would be finishing up with a footman rush right now
(12:31 / All)  TIMG4STRok: gg
(12:32 / All)  iggythefisk: dont stand in tower range
(12:33 / All)  BEARAND: correction
(12:33 / All)  BEARAND: 35 apm
(12:36 / All)  deeperJungle: 178
(12:38 / All)  deeperJungle: idiot
(12:43 / All)  TIMG4STRok: what are you clicking
(12:44 / All)  iggythefisk: what in the world are you clicking
(12:46 / All)  BEARAND: select grouper then?
(12:58 / All)  Mixs has left the game
(13:00 / All)  BEARAND: lol
(13:03 / All)  BEARAND: upload your replay of this game pls
(13:05 / All)  DarbladErxX has left the game
(13:10 / All)  TIMG4STRok: let the farm hiding begin
(13:13 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(13:16 / All)  deeperJungle: im sure u had in classic bnet just 50%
(13:21 / All)  BEARAND: you're right..
(13:24 / All)  BEARAND: you lost to a 50%er
(13:27 / All)  deeperJungle: and now uir feeling cool cuz ur playin vs rt guys
(13:38 / All)  deeperJungle has left the game