
« Every piece of gold



Uploaded 2020-02-16 00:43:53

Game version 1.32 / 1.32.1

113:55 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)TwilightRuins_LV

Saved by iggythefisk
Team 0 Winner!
Mata :
167 APM | 97 towers
iggythefisk :
172 APM | 113 towers | 9.9k sources fed | 👑
IcebergSlim :
141 APM | 25 towers
168 APM
Team 1 Loser!
daRe :
201 APM | 36 towers
BeBz :
84 APM | 14 towers
VaxxOFFI :
122 APM | 39 towers | 20.7k sources fed
SaTanFRA :
67 APM | 11 towers | 2.9k sources fed | 🗑️ | 🗣️ |


(76:16 / All)  TIMG4STRok: ?
(76:19 / All)  VaxxOFFI: ?
(76:29 / All)  BeBz: ?
(91:19 / All)  VaxxOFFI: russia ?
(91:24 / All)  VaxxOFFI: you have maphack right ?
(91:27 / All)  TIMG4STRok: lol
(91:33 / All)  iggythefisk: https://highper.ch
(91:37 / All)  iggythefisk: never hack, always skill
(94:38 / All)  SaTanFRA: how u know we're coming
(94:44 / All)  SaTanFRA: when we've sentry everywhere
(94:46 / All)  iggythefisk: gamesense
(94:49 / All)  SaTanFRA: no
(94:49 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i've never played this game before and i can't anticipate movement
(94:49 / All)  VaxxOFFI: lul
(94:53 / All)  iggythefisk: you have one big blob
(94:55 / All)  SaTanFRA: not on every single move
(95:05 / All)  TIMG4STRok: you're playing very obviously
(95:07 / All)  TIMG4STRok: try not doing that
(95:12 / All)  Mata: We in ur head
(95:13 / All)  SaTanFRA: on every single move u've one step ahead with no vision, how ?
(95:14 / All)  iggythefisk: and also we lost several heroes lots of times
(95:20 / All)  iggythefisk: "every single move"
(95:25 / All)  iggythefisk: ever heard of confirmation bias, buddy?
(95:25 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "hey if i attack this pink will show up in about 10 seconds"
(97:23 / All)  BeBz: What is your record
(97:29 / All)  BeBz: time record ?
(97:29 / All)  Mata: this is my first game
(97:34 / All)  IcebergSlim: first game too
(97:36 / All)  iggythefisk: https://highper.ch
(98:40 / All)  BeBz has left the game
(98:42 / All)  TIMG4STRok: seeya
(98:58 / All)  SaTanFRA: he left already
(99:10 / All)  Mata: you should too probably
(99:14 / All)  SaTanFRA: why we win
(99:16 / All)  SaTanFRA: o,o
(99:17 / All)  VaxxOFFI: wasting more time
(99:27 / All)  SaTanFRA: u talk about wasting time with ur playstyle
(99:35 / All)  SaTanFRA: u wantd that so be it now stop complain and play
(99:39 / All)  IcebergSlim: the true winner is the warrior with a pure heart
(99:40 / All)  TIMG4STRok: what
(99:50 / All)  SaTanFRA: u have a strat that force very long game
(99:57 / All)  SaTanFRA: so deal with a long game
(99:58 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i don't understand what you mean
(103:50 / All)  IcebergSlim: this is no natural night
(103:58 / All)  VaxxOFFI: your english
(103:59 / All)  VaxxOFFI: ?
(106:58 / All)  TIMG4STRok: ?
(108:55 / All)  VaxxOFFI has left the game
(108:57 / All)  IcebergSlim: gg
(108:57 / All)  iggythefisk: GG noobs
(108:59 / All)  TIMG4STRok: seeya noobies
(108:59 / All)  daRe has left the game
(109:02 / All)  iggythefisk: waste of time idiotas
(109:03 / All)  Mata: easiest game of my life
(109:11 / All)  SaTanFRA: talking about noobs when you do nothing but cube ?
(109:11 / All)  TIMG4STRok: also hardest game. it's his first
(109:14 / All)  IcebergSlim: CUBE
(109:18 / All)  IcebergSlim: theres that word again
(109:18 / All)  SaTanFRA: noone of us would beat any of us in 1v1
(109:20 / All)  SaTanFRA: wD
(109:25 / All)  iggythefisk: we would beat you 1v2
(109:26 / All)  IcebergSlim: you get owned just leave
(109:27 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i beat you in a 1v4 little child
(109:32 / All)  SaTanFRA: because its the name of the strat you do retard
(109:34 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i pull your pants down and spank you
(109:36 / All)  IcebergSlim: leave now waste my time
(109:41 / All)  iggythefisk: it's called https://highper.ch reto
(109:46 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "please stop spanking me" you scream
(109:51 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "i will not stop spanking you" i reply
(109:51 / All)  SaTanFRA: u didnt beat anything u lost ur hero 10000 times u only do cube, 0 skill involved
(109:55 / All)  IcebergSlim: lmao
(110:01 / All)  iggythefisk: HMMM did we win? I think... "yes"
(110:01 / All)  IcebergSlim: says the guy who lost his hero 10000 times
(110:07 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "please my bottom is red and i don't want to be spanked"
(110:10 / All)  Mata: i put u in the noob cube
(110:12 / All)  SaTanFRA: lol i lost my hero 4 time at best
(110:17 / All)  IcebergSlim: you lost your hero infinite number of times
(110:22 / All)  SaTanFRA: u guys plays cube and feel good i mean
(110:23 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "you are going to continue to get spanked until you learn your lesson" i whisper in your ear
(110:25 / All)  iggythefisk: big feed POTM yumyum
(110:29 / All)  iggythefisk: she was so tasty
(110:33 / All)  iggythefisk: levl 10 and all feed
(110:34 / All)  IcebergSlim: you big noob
(110:35 / All)  IcebergSlim: cant control units
(110:36 / All)  SaTanFRA: U won the game but with that kind of playstyle u cant brag or talk about brag XDD
(110:37 / All)  IcebergSlim: cant control hero
(110:39 / All)  IcebergSlim: cant control destiny
(110:46 / All)  TIMG4STRok: remember when you lost to heroes only
(110:48 / All)  SaTanFRA: With that kind of playstyle
(110:50 / All)  SaTanFRA: U cant talk
(110:52 / All)  SaTanFRA: for real
(110:55 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i am talking
(110:56 / All)  SaTanFRA: Not sayin u didnt won
(110:56 / All)  TIMG4STRok: right now
(110:59 / All)  SaTanFRA: And u cant
(111:01 / All)  TIMG4STRok: because i beat you
(111:02 / All)  SaTanFRA: for real
(111:08 / All)  SaTanFRA: Nah not with that playstyle XDD
(111:10 / All)  iggythefisk: France lost... AGAIN??? Say it isn't so
(111:13 / All)  SaTanFRA: u just stall time
(111:14 / All)  TIMG4STRok: ? check score screen
(111:16 / All)  TIMG4STRok: me winner u loser
(111:20 / All)  SaTanFRA: and?
(111:24 / All)  SaTanFRA: doesnt means u dont stall time?
(111:25 / All)  TIMG4STRok: that means i own you
(111:30 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i'm going to switch cheeks
(111:31 / All)  SaTanFRA: How score says u dont stall tell me
(111:33 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i begin spanking your right cheek
(111:40 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "please not my right cheek sir"
(111:42 / All)  SaTanFRA: How does score talks about the playstyle?
(111:51 / All)  SaTanFRA: see?
(111:51 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "my right cheek is my favorite cheek" you cry
(111:54 / All)  SaTanFRA: 0 Argu
(111:55 / All)  Mata: next time give us challenge... thx
(112:00 / All)  SaTanFRA: dude
(112:09 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i caress your bottom lovingly but firmly as i spank it
(112:16 / All)  SaTanFRA: u guys just upload 4v4 games of cubbing bcause u cannot do anything in a 1v1 or even 2v2
(112:20 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "u must learn this lesson son...it's why i am your dad."
(112:20 / All)  SaTanFRA: all of u are nonames
(112:24 / All)  SaTanFRA: i mean comon
(112:30 / All)  SaTanFRA: 50% winrate players bragging
(112:31 / All)  iggythefisk: you may check our 2v2 records on https://highper.ch
(112:34 / All)  SaTanFRA: please already
(112:47 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "please stop spanking me i have to stay in a game i lost because i'm a big noob"
(112:49 / All)  SaTanFRA: u realise u've a site for our trash level when noone ever hear about u?
(112:51 / All)  SaTanFRA: XDDDDD
(112:57 / All)  TIMG4STRok: "i'm incapable of not throwing a fit when i lost to only towers"
(112:58 / All)  iggythefisk: we are famous
(112:59 / All)  SaTanFRA: you guys are noname
(113:04 / All)  SaTanFRA: nah u are noname
(113:07 / All)  iggythefisk: you may check https://highper.ch youtube.com/highperch
(113:12 / All)  SaTanFRA: we checked ur
(113:13 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i'm the most infamous spanker in the world
(113:17 / All)  TIMG4STRok: it's me, your dad
(113:19 / All)  SaTanFRA: we checked ur site
(113:23 / All)  SaTanFRA: its only 4v4
(113:25 / All)  SaTanFRA: and cube
(113:32 / All)  TIMG4STRok: it's all i need to own you son
(113:40 / All)  SaTanFRA: u've a bad lvl if u were good u wouldnt only play 4v4 and cube
(113:45 / All)  SaTanFRA: this is the point
(113:46 / All)  iggythefisk: imagine if you had any skill and we would need to use a real strategy
(113:47 / All)  SaTanFRA: : )
(113:50 / All)  TIMG4STRok: but i am a good lvl
(113:53 / All)  TIMG4STRok: and all i do is play 4v4
(113:54 / All)  SaTanFRA has left the game