
« first reforged game vs my old friend nick seitzer



Uploaded 2020-01-29 02:17:50

Game version 1.32 / 1.32.1

49:50 long 1on1 ladder game on (2)EchoIsles

Saved by BEARAND
Team 0 Loser!
NickSeitzer :
53 APM | 18 towers | 🗑️
Team 1 Winner!
131 APM | 64 towers | 👑 | 🗣️


(0:19 / All)  BEARAND: hi
(0:33 / All)  NickSeitzer: hi
(0:37 / All)  BEARAND: spirit homecare right?
(0:40 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(0:50 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol looked me up that fast?
(0:53 / All)  BEARAND: no
(0:55 / All)  BEARAND: we've played before
(1:29 / All)  NickSeitzer: omg
(1:35 / All)  NickSeitzer: i haven't played this in sooooo long
(1:38 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(1:42 / All)  BEARAND: welcome back
(1:54 / All)  NickSeitzer: how about you?
(2:00 / All)  BEARAND: been playing the beta
(2:08 / All)  NickSeitzer: im about to get wrecked... awesome
(2:09 / All)  BEARAND: last time i played before the beta was around when you and i last met :)
(3:43 / All)  NickSeitzer: hi lol
(5:12 / All)  NickSeitzer: did i win?
(5:13 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(5:14 / All)  BEARAND: yes
(6:24 / All)  NickSeitzer: used to be fast on those
(6:59 / All)  BEARAND: how fast
(7:07 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(7:31 / All)  NickSeitzer: yeah this doesn't look good
(7:37 / All)  BEARAND: wait
(7:41 / All)  BEARAND: do you remember our last game
(8:15 / All)  NickSeitzer: nope
(8:21 / All)  BEARAND: https://highper.ch
(11:09 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(13:38 / All)  NickSeitzer: are u serious? we played b4?
(13:46 / All)  BEARAND: yes
(14:44 / All)  BEARAND: LD
(14:44 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(15:09 / All)  NickSeitzer: forgot about the 3 human move
(15:15 / All)  BEARAND: The 3 Human Move
(15:24 / All)  NickSeitzer: 3 hero human play
(15:57 / All)  BEARAND: https://classic.highper.ch/1516/nick%20seitzer%20-%20spirit%20homecare%20-%20is%20mad.html
(16:11 / All)  NickSeitzer: how do i copy that?
(16:14 / All)  BEARAND: well
(16:14 / All)  NickSeitzer: i can't
(16:23 / All)  BEARAND: i'll upload this game to https://highper.ch
(16:23 / All)  NickSeitzer: did u do the same thing that game?
(16:28 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(16:28 / All)  BEARAND: it'll be on the frontpage
(16:29 / All)  NickSeitzer: no!
(16:31 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(16:47 / All)  BEARAND: yes i made towers :D
(16:55 / All)  NickSeitzer: and i overcame them?
(16:56 / All)  NickSeitzer: how?
(16:57 / All)  BEARAND: no
(16:59 / All)  BEARAND: i won
(17:00 / All)  NickSeitzer: LOL
(17:03 / All)  NickSeitzer: u said i won!
(17:08 / All)  BEARAND: when did i say that
(17:09 / All)  NickSeitzer: bee lion
(17:36 / All)  NickSeitzer: im assuming you always build 3 heros and towers...
(17:42 / All)  BEARAND: when would you not?
(17:45 / All)  BEARAND: it's so powerful
(17:53 / All)  NickSeitzer: indeed
(18:00 / All)  NickSeitzer: old me would have rushed you
(18:09 / All)  BEARAND: lol
(18:36 / All)  BEARAND: LOL
(18:42 / All)  BEARAND: why>
(18:50 / All)  NickSeitzer: i told you it's been a looong time
(18:57 / All)  BEARAND: but why did you manually uproot
(19:03 / All)  NickSeitzer: cuz he's gonna die
(19:04 / All)  NickSeitzer: anyway
(19:07 / All)  BEARAND: ok :D
(19:10 / All)  BEARAND: makes my job easier
(19:15 / All)  NickSeitzer: why?
(19:19 / All)  BEARAND: armor type
(19:21 / All)  NickSeitzer: isn't his hp the same?
(19:25 / All)  BEARAND: rooted tree is fortified
(19:29 / All)  BEARAND: uprooted is heavy
(19:32 / All)  NickSeitzer: oh... i never knew that
(19:36 / All)  BEARAND: now you do :D
(19:38 / All)  NickSeitzer: never had to
(20:10 / All)  NickSeitzer: so... im gonna run out of gold and that's it...
(20:15 / All)  NickSeitzer: awesome
(21:10 / All)  NickSeitzer: hello
(21:14 / All)  BEARAND: hello
(21:16 / All)  BEARAND: what's up
(21:30 / All)  NickSeitzer: im in big trouble lol
(21:34 / All)  BEARAND: i have no units
(21:40 / All)  NickSeitzer: yeah.. right
(21:44 / All)  BEARAND: no really
(21:51 / All)  BEARAND: i have 3 dragonhawks flying over the ocean in case you make chims
(21:56 / All)  BEARAND: and my heroes
(22:03 / All)  NickSeitzer: because the 3 heros are op af
(22:05 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(22:09 / All)  BEARAND: are they? just kill them :D
(22:19 / All)  NickSeitzer: there is a way to stop them ya know
(22:54 / All)  BEARAND: cya
(23:19 / All)  BEARAND: i tabbed out lol
(23:25 / All)  BEARAND: to read the chatlog from our previous game
(23:39 / All)  NickSeitzer: im sure i was a sweetheart
(23:49 / All)  BEARAND: (91:58 / All) nickseitzer: i've got all night
(23:52 / All)  BEARAND: (92:00 / All) nickseitzer: ure move
(23:58 / All)  NickSeitzer: did i hide?
(24:03 / All)  BEARAND: (92:00 / All) nickseitzer: ure move
(24:05 / All)  NickSeitzer: i think i remember
(24:11 / All)  BEARAND: (69:11 / All) nickseitzer: gay
(24:14 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(24:17 / All)  NickSeitzer: sorry bro
(24:18 / All)  BEARAND: (69:22 / All) nickseitzer: homo
(24:21 / All)  BEARAND: very rude...
(24:24 / All)  NickSeitzer: LOL
(24:34 / All)  NickSeitzer: honestly might have been my buddy
(24:37 / All)  BEARAND: lmao
(24:38 / All)  NickSeitzer: he played my account back then too
(24:46 / All)  NickSeitzer: i normally don't say "homo"
(24:49 / All)  BEARAND: (53:12 / All) nickseitzer: yes, spirit homecare
(24:55 / All)  BEARAND: (53:27 / All) nickseitzer: that's the medical office I manage
(24:59 / All)  NickSeitzer: oh... maybe not then
(25:01 / All)  NickSeitzer: LOL
(25:04 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(25:06 / All)  NickSeitzer: when was this?
(25:16 / All)  BEARAND: Uploaded May 21 2016 03:24:05
(27:09 / All)  NickSeitzer: is slow nerfed?
(27:15 / All)  BEARAND: slow? dryad poison? nope
(27:34 / All)  BEARAND: no change since last time we played :D
(27:37 / All)  NickSeitzer: so the people who beat you... do they get to you early right?
(27:51 / All)  BEARAND: no they just take map control and don't let me expand
(27:57 / All)  NickSeitzer: ive matured a lot in 5 years
(28:00 / All)  BEARAND: you lost when you let my expo get up
(28:02 / All)  BEARAND: good to hear!
(28:05 / All)  NickSeitzer: funny you remember me
(28:14 / All)  NickSeitzer: did you just happen to look me up? or did you remember?
(28:17 / All)  BEARAND: i remembered
(28:20 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol wow
(28:26 / All)  NickSeitzer: i actually remember your name too
(28:32 / All)  BEARAND: nice
(28:44 / All)  NickSeitzer: great...
(28:57 / All)  NickSeitzer: mean!
(29:01 / All)  BEARAND: this is war..
(29:59 / All)  BEARAND: how much gold do you have?
(30:03 / All)  NickSeitzer: TONS
(30:05 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(30:05 / All)  BEARAND: nice
(30:13 / All)  BEARAND: what are you gonna spend it on?
(30:46 / All)  NickSeitzer: hmmm
(31:33 / All)  NickSeitzer: u r desecrating my sacred grove
(31:53 / All)  BEARAND: hehe
(31:54 / All)  BEARAND: remember
(32:00 / All)  BEARAND: highper.ch
(32:05 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol will do
(32:06 / All)  BEARAND: i will upload replay immediately after this
(32:11 / All)  BEARAND: so you can see the link to the old game
(32:17 / All)  NickSeitzer: i'm sure it's exactly the same game
(32:19 / All)  BEARAND: you can also probably just google "highper.ch nickseitzer"
(32:30 / All)  BEARAND: yeah if you google that it's the first result
(32:43 / All)  BEARAND: nice expo haha
(33:18 / All)  NickSeitzer: wow they do die faster
(33:26 / All)  BEARAND: yeah it's the armor type dude
(33:37 / All)  BEARAND: heroes do reduced damage to fortified
(33:39 / All)  BEARAND: but not to heavy
(33:53 / All)  NickSeitzer: what race are you worst against?
(33:57 / All)  BEARAND: hmmm
(33:59 / All)  NickSeitzer: undead?
(34:03 / All)  BEARAND: probably human
(34:06 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(34:11 / All)  BEARAND: undead second place prob
(34:14 / All)  NickSeitzer: cuz they pull the same shit
(34:15 / All)  BEARAND: orc and elf are easy
(34:22 / All)  BEARAND: no, because dragonhawks and gryphons
(34:30 / All)  NickSeitzer: ever had a ne rush you and win
(34:34 / All)  BEARAND: don't think so
(35:55 / All)  NickSeitzer: healer!
(35:57 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(36:05 / All)  BEARAND: that's right
(37:09 / All)  NickSeitzer: what's the most significant change as far as balances?
(37:29 / All)  BEARAND: hmm
(37:32 / All)  BEARAND: blademaster is a lot weaker
(37:34 / All)  NickSeitzer: yeah that's no op
(37:43 / All)  NickSeitzer: that's clearly over powered
(37:49 / All)  BEARAND: if you made a keeper of the grove you could just straight up kill me :D
(37:56 / All)  NickSeitzer: rooting you?
(38:00 / All)  BEARAND: entangle yeah
(38:05 / All)  NickSeitzer: i normally do
(38:20 / All)  NickSeitzer: i literally forgot the quick keys and everything
(38:31 / All)  BEARAND: if you forgot them all you should try grid keys
(38:39 / All)  BEARAND: so the 4x3 command card is qwer asdf zxcv
(38:58 / All)  NickSeitzer: wow.... you know your shit
(39:03 / All)  BEARAND: hehe
(40:31 / All)  NickSeitzer: is there anything i can do?
(40:36 / All)  BEARAND: now, in this game? no
(40:39 / All)  NickSeitzer: LOL
(40:51 / All)  NickSeitzer: wow... that's a shame it's made that way
(40:54 / All)  BEARAND: you probably have like 3000 gold left
(41:06 / All)  BEARAND: if you had like 8 or 9k you could make a keeper and chims
(41:08 / All)  BEARAND: and siege me
(41:11 / All)  NickSeitzer: i have 1 last trick up my sleeve
(41:15 / All)  BEARAND: is it quitting
(41:21 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol
(41:25 / All)  NickSeitzer: nope
(41:37 / All)  BEARAND: /apom
(41:59 / All)  NickSeitzer: what about whirlwinds?
(42:03 / All)  NickSeitzer: they would work right?
(42:09 / All)  BEARAND: tornados from dotts? sure those can stop heroes
(42:19 / All)  BEARAND: you can't kill heroes while they're in a tornado tho
(42:20 / All)  NickSeitzer: yes that's why you killed them right?
(42:30 / All)  BEARAND: nah i killed em cause they have low HP and aren't magic immune
(42:41 / All)  NickSeitzer: if i had a team of them could i stop you?
(42:47 / All)  BEARAND: they don't do much damage
(42:53 / All)  BEARAND: you'd have to combine them with chims or something
(42:57 / All)  NickSeitzer: yes, but i could stop your casting
(43:02 / All)  BEARAND: sure
(43:12 / All)  BEARAND: but one bolt and a couple smacks and a dott is dead
(43:14 / All)  NickSeitzer: lol, doesn't seem promising
(43:39 / All)  NickSeitzer: wow
(44:07 / All)  NickSeitzer: i don't know if i'd enjoy playing if i was invincible and noone could stop me
(44:16 / All)  NickSeitzer: sure it'd be fun for a while
(44:16 / All)  BEARAND: i'm not invincible
(44:26 / All)  NickSeitzer: you essentially are
(44:29 / All)  BEARAND: you just don't know how to stop me
(44:41 / All)  BEARAND: and that's fun :D
(44:46 / All)  NickSeitzer: yay....
(44:54 / All)  NickSeitzer: *twirls finger
(47:39 / All)  BEARAND: haha nice
(48:59 / All)  NickSeitzer: wow
(49:06 / All)  BEARAND: hehe
(49:13 / All)  BEARAND: not enough dps
(49:17 / All)  NickSeitzer: u figured out a way to make it reeeeeally not even a game
(49:22 / All)  BEARAND: against you maybe :D
(49:29 / All)  BEARAND: i have close games all the time
(49:30 / All)  NickSeitzer: that's fine... gg
(49:34 / All)  BEARAND: https://highper.ch
(49:42 / All)  NickSeitzer: i hope you have fun
(49:45 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(49:49 / All)  NickSeitzer has left the game