
« rote upking



Uploaded 2020-01-10 19:01:15

Game version

120:44 long 3on3 ladder game on (6)UpperKingdom

Saved by BEARAND
Team 0 Winner!
89 APM | 112 towers | 5.1k sources fed | 👑
IcebergSlim :
72 APM | 38 towers | 1k sources fed | 🗣️
76 APM | 178 towers
Team 1 Loser!
Taro :
49 APM | 4 towers
Musa :
57 APM | 75 towers
Ezezsg (2) :
24 APM | 37 towers | 0.5k sources fed | 🗑️


(0:09 / All)  BEARAND: HI :D
(0:11 / Allies)  TIMG4STRok: /FPS
(0:16 / Allies)  BEARAND: /aom
(28:51 / All)  BEARAND: hi :D
(30:17 / All)  BEARAND: ok
(30:20 / All)  BEARAND: whats the plan
(30:27 / All)  IcebergSlim: main mine is out
(30:36 / All)  IcebergSlim: those gyros hurt
(34:50 / All)  BEARAND: hey
(34:51 / All)  BEARAND: from?
(38:11 / All)  Taro has left the game
(38:13 / All)  BEARAND: LOL
(38:31 / All)  IcebergSlim: what did he say in chat before he left
(38:35 / All)  BEARAND: hey
(38:40 / All)  BEARAND: i will pay you if you upload your side of this replay
(38:43 / All)  BEARAND: to https://highper.ch
(38:44 / All)  BEARAND: $20
(39:05 / All)  BEARAND: easy money
(39:11 / All)  Musa: its a troll game you can win my building
(39:13 / All)  BEARAND: email admin@highper.ch for paypal details
(39:18 / All)  BEARAND: what does that mean
(42:03 / All)  BEARAND: we ran of of money. u should quit
(44:51 / All)  Musa: i wonder why they are using the patch when the game first released
(44:55 / All)  BEARAND: ??
(48:32 / All)  IcebergSlim: can you send me some gold to res blademaster
(48:55 / All)  IcebergSlim: thx just need like 50 more
(49:00 / All)  IcebergSlim: can u sell some of ur items
(49:03 / All)  BEARAND: Stop all chat
(49:08 / All)  IcebergSlim: omg
(54:04 / Allies)  TIMG4STRok: fuck this... fuck u.... im afk
(54:07 / All)  TIMG4STRok: kill me if u can moron..
(54:13 / All)  TIMG4STRok: fuck u im afk
(54:26 / All)  TIMG4STRok: see how much u care about this STUPID ASS GAME !
(54:32 / All)  TIMG4STRok: my team is idiot...don't make army at ALL!
(54:38 / All)  TIMG4STRok: f*ckn moron..
(55:17 / All)  TIMG4STRok: fuck u diiot
(57:46 / All)  TIMG4STRok: my tema moron i kill my own towers
(57:52 / All)  TIMG4STRok: fuck u fuck them
(65:23 / All)  TIMG4STRok: fuck u
(65:28 / All)  TIMG4STRok: idiot.
(65:30 / All)  IcebergSlim: told you this would happen
(65:33 / All)  BEARAND: STOP
(65:34 / All)  BEARAND: STOP IT
(65:34 / All)  IcebergSlim: they just have to break 1 side
(65:38 / All)  TIMG4STRok: my friend scottie, he not my friend he my ENEMY
(65:39 / All)  IcebergSlim: stfu
(65:50 / All)  IcebergSlim: i told you this would happen
(65:58 / All)  IcebergSlim: ever heard of SIEGE
(66:03 / All)  IcebergSlim: you big stupid diaper idiot
(68:12 / All)  BEARAND: God damn it
(68:16 / All)  BEARAND: dont upload this replay to highper.ch
(68:50 / All)  IcebergSlim: troll ally
(68:53 / All)  IcebergSlim: TROLL ALLY
(68:56 / All)  IcebergSlim: TROLL ALLY
(69:00 / All)  IcebergSlim: REPORTING
(69:02 / All)  TIMG4STRok: fuck all u diiot
(69:05 / All)  BEARAND: stfu
(69:08 / All)  IcebergSlim: ATTACKINGV OWN TOWERSD
(69:10 / All)  TIMG4STRok: unbeluievable
(69:10 / All)  IcebergSlim: WATCH THE REPLAY
(69:30 / All)  BEARAND: how do you un share control?
(71:17 / All)  IcebergSlim: troll ally
(71:18 / All)  IcebergSlim: seriously
(71:21 / All)  IcebergSlim: watch replay
(71:21 / All)  TIMG4STRok: moron
(71:25 / All)  BEARAND: ban purple from video games
(71:25 / All)  IcebergSlim: he attack all my towers
(71:28 / All)  IcebergSlim: i share control
(71:31 / All)  TIMG4STRok: my team dumb shit
(71:31 / All)  IcebergSlim: he use it to attak me
(71:32 / All)  BEARAND: we cant unshare
(71:34 / All)  IcebergSlim: i attack meself
(71:36 / All)  BEARAND: he used sharehack v3
(71:53 / All)  IcebergSlim: why game aloe me to attack myself
(72:17 / All)  IcebergSlim: battle 3.0 i cant wait
(72:20 / All)  IcebergSlim: ban this sick filth
(74:01 / All)  TIMG4STRok: fucking ding dong
(74:05 / All)  TIMG4STRok: fuck u diiot teal
(74:05 / All)  BEARAND: STOP
(74:06 / All)  BEARAND: WAIT
(74:07 / All)  BEARAND: ORANGE
(74:08 / All)  BEARAND: STOP IT
(74:08 / All)  TIMG4STRok has paused the game
(74:10 / All)  IcebergSlim: haha
(74:12 / All)  IcebergSlim: gg noobs
(74:15 / All)  TIMG4STRok: my team sucks on ball
(74:17 / All)  BEARAND: DONT KILL OK???
(74:22 / All)  Musa has resumed the game
(74:23 / All)  BEARAND: PLEASE
(74:25 / All)  BEARAND: PLEASE
(74:26 / All)  BEARAND: NO
(74:27 / All)  BEARAND: STOP
(74:27 / All)  BEARAND: STOP
(74:28 / All)  BEARAND: STOP
(74:28 / All)  BEARAND: STOP
(74:28 / All)  TIMG4STRok has paused the game
(74:29 / All)  BEARAND: STOP
(74:30 / All)  Musa has resumed the game
(74:30 / All)  BEARAND: STOP
(74:32 / All)  TIMG4STRok: this is for my shit team
(74:32 / All)  IcebergSlim: i bury u outside ur mothers back porch
(74:33 / All)  TIMG4STRok has paused the game
(74:34 / All)  Musa has resumed the game
(74:36 / All)  TIMG4STRok: bad and fuck
(74:37 / All)  BEARAND: wtf
(74:41 / All)  BEARAND: wow
(74:43 / All)  BEARAND: we're alive?
(74:48 / All)  IcebergSlim: burn in hell for ever and eternity
(74:49 / All)  BEARAND: [looks at my hands weirdly] Im alive?
(74:51 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i'm playing on another map
(74:57 / All)  IcebergSlim: the important thing is... you're alive
(75:05 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i'm playing on the Upper Kingdom
(76:21 / All)  TIMG4STRok: where the fuck me base
(76:56 / All)  IcebergSlim: did u break my game
(77:49 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i have ascended to valhalla
(77:55 / All)  BEARAND: "BERG"Halla
(77:57 / All)  TIMG4STRok: riches lay waiting for me here
(78:09 / All)  TIMG4STRok: surrounded by gold and friends, what more can i ask for
(78:10 / All)  BEARAND: hey we're still alive. and we win
(78:24 / All)  IcebergSlim: the northern shore is my hjomeland u will not drive me from this kingdom
(78:39 / All)  BEARAND: we have come to an agreement. and that agreement is that you lose
(78:45 / All)  BEARAND: do not ban purple
(78:50 / All)  TIMG4STRok: we shall judge you from Up Above
(78:54 / All)  IcebergSlim: i look to the sky for a sign of the highest one
(80:02 / All)  IcebergSlim: can you win please
(80:08 / All)  IcebergSlim: i want to play a game with my best friend
(80:24 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i wish i could be cozy with my friend..
(80:30 / All)  IcebergSlim: my honor as a patriot means i can't leave game til its over
(80:45 / All)  BEARAND: https://highper.ch
(81:23 / All)  TIMG4STRok: colder
(81:25 / All)  TIMG4STRok: boy is it cold
(81:27 / All)  TIMG4STRok: on this map
(81:30 / All)  IcebergSlim: coldest kingdom in the upper kingdom
(81:33 / All)  TIMG4STRok: what are we in the south pole
(81:39 / All)  TIMG4STRok: u gotta head north to get warm ?
(81:46 / All)  IcebergSlim: nope then you at the north pole lmao
(82:21 / All)  IcebergSlim: can't believe this game
(82:24 / All)  IcebergSlim: first you kill my tower
(82:30 / All)  IcebergSlim: then u break my victory condition
(82:37 / All)  IcebergSlim: you have taken everything from me
(82:43 / All)  IcebergSlim: except my love of freedom
(82:59 / All)  IcebergSlim: how i long to feel that high mountain breeze in my face
(83:38 / All)  IcebergSlim: how can you kill that which is unkillable
(83:49 / All)  IcebergSlim: how can you defeat that which is undefeatable
(83:58 / All)  IcebergSlim: how can you climb that which is unclimbable
(84:08 / All)  IcebergSlim: how do you even get there
(84:21 / All)  IcebergSlim: the rainbow bridge only reveals itself to the worth
(84:42 / All)  IcebergSlim: sword is at my side
(84:45 / All)  IcebergSlim: shield is in my hand
(84:51 / All)  IcebergSlim: i am going to beat you
(84:53 / All)  IcebergSlim: and reclaim this land
(85:11 / All)  IcebergSlim: welcome to upper kingdom
(85:15 / All)  BEARAND: welcome to upper kingdom
(85:41 / All)  IcebergSlim: welcome to upper kingdom v2.0
(86:02 / All)  IcebergSlim: the upperest of kingdoms in a game full of downers like you
(87:03 / All)  TIMG4STRok: Welcome To Upper Kingdom
(87:29 / All)  IcebergSlim: but how.....
(88:04 / All)  IcebergSlim: since we're here in this together where you from
(88:22 / All)  TIMG4STRok: me from illinois
(88:28 / All)  IcebergSlim: maryland
(88:38 / All)  BEARAND: toronto here
(88:44 / All)  IcebergSlim: cool
(88:51 / All)  BEARAND: Musa where are you from?
(88:54 / All)  IcebergSlim: hope you not mad about me calling you names earlier
(94:23 / All)  IcebergSlim: only when all the lumber is felled, only when the last nugget of gold is mined, only when the last farm is farmed...
(95:23 / All)  IcebergSlim: that dragonhawk that was offered to the war god is accepted
(95:28 / All)  BEARAND: Thank u
(96:08 / All)  BEARAND: THANK U
(96:13 / All)  IcebergSlim: that dragonhawk that was offered to the war god is also accepted
(96:36 / All)  IcebergSlim: too long have our people suffered
(96:52 / All)  BEARAND: I will now, pay $30 for this replay
(96:54 / All)  TIMG4STRok: these trees have committed crimes unfathomable
(96:59 / All)  TIMG4STRok: for that they must perish
(97:00 / All)  BEARAND: when the game is done, upload the replay to www.highper.ch
(97:07 / All)  BEARAND: I will pay you $30, in paypal or cryptocurrency
(98:19 / All)  TIMG4STRok: there is a question...nagging at the back of your brain
(98:23 / All)  TIMG4STRok: we shall not speak it
(98:47 / All)  BEARAND: will you upload this replay for $30?
(100:02 / All)  IcebergSlim: do you think we can win
(100:15 / All)  IcebergSlim: can victory really be assured
(100:43 / All)  IcebergSlim: we've been through so much shit
(100:49 / All)  IcebergSlim: deactivated lasers with my dick
(101:08 / All)  TIMG4STRok: i give your army my SEAL of approval
(102:06 / All)  IcebergSlim: if you had to pick a unit to be your spirit animal what would it be
(102:12 / All)  IcebergSlim: and don't you dare say feral spirit
(102:19 / All)  BEARAND: spirit hawk
(102:23 / All)  IcebergSlim: because THAT is a summon
(102:56 / All)  IcebergSlim: bear bear bear
(103:01 / All)  IcebergSlim: hawk hawk hawk
(103:03 / All)  IcebergSlim: seal the deal
(104:29 / All)  IcebergSlim: english language?
(104:34 / All)  BEARAND: polish?
(104:36 / All)  BEARAND: russian?
(104:39 / All)  BEARAND: serbian?
(104:41 / All)  BEARAND: albanian?
(104:44 / All)  IcebergSlim: 한국어??
(104:45 / All)  TIMG4STRok: it's always albanian
(104:53 / All)  BEARAND: azer?
(105:23 / All)  IcebergSlim: surely you must realize
(105:42 / All)  IcebergSlim: the only way to win is to not play the game
(106:49 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(107:04 / All)  IcebergSlim: that was CUTE
(107:14 / All)  Ezezsg has left the game
(107:20 / All)  BEARAND: $30 for replay
(107:24 / All)  BEARAND: https://highper.ch
(107:26 / All)  IcebergSlim: take him up on the offer
(107:27 / All)  BEARAND: email admin@highper.ch
(107:30 / All)  TIMG4STRok: musa...u musta upload replay...
(107:31 / All)  IcebergSlim: i would love to practice my albanian
(107:42 / All)  TIMG4STRok: highper.ch
(107:44 / All)  BEARAND: $30 via method of your choice
(107:51 / All)  BEARAND: if $30 is not high enough let me know
(107:59 / All)  IcebergSlim: this man is serious
(108:00 / All)  BEARAND: i want the replay for my website
(108:35 / All)  IcebergSlim: take to teh wind
(109:21 / Allies)  IcebergSlim: /aom
(113:58 / All)  BEARAND: upload replay
(114:57 / All)  BEARAND: gg wp
(115:06 / All)  IcebergSlim: alot of that all chat was actually a ruse btw
(115:18 / All)  IcebergSlim: i know about pressing enter or not
(115:23 / All)  IcebergSlim: or shift
(115:27 / All)  IcebergSlim: you know what i meant
(116:37 / All)  BEARAND: lol
(119:21 / All)  IcebergSlim: the spikes on the orc buildings did more than your entire team
(119:33 / All)  BEARAND: upload this replay for $30 (or more?)
(119:36 / All)  BEARAND: email admin@highper.ch
(120:57 / All)  Musa has left the game