
« ffa bro on bro violence



Uploaded 2019-12-09 23:38:31

Game version

33:26 long 1on1on1on1 ladder game on (8)MarketSquare

Saved by Mata
Team 0 Loser!
legsbrah (3) :
24 APM
Team 1 Winner!
Mata :
131 APM | 45 towers | 👑 | 🗣️
Team 2 Loser!
Maythix :
0 APM | 🗑️
Team 3 Loser!
iggythefisk :
43 APM


(0:00 / All)  Maythix has left the game
(0:09 / All)  Mata: gl hf
(0:10 / All)  Mata: blue noob?
(1:22 / All)  Mata: is it just me or did they make the trees nicer
(9:12 / All)  legsbrah: hahahaha
(9:27 / All)  Mata: you exp tome?
(18:32 / All)  Mata: if you want to be exp tome you have to level up your hero a bit
(18:37 / All)  Mata: come back in a few
(18:37 / All)  legsbrah: youre not good
(18:40 / All)  legsbrah: ill hit you rn
(19:09 / All)  legsbrah: kill my hero idc
(19:12 / All)  legsbrah: run
(19:22 / All)  Mata: come back any time
(19:24 / All)  legsbrah: run
(19:26 / All)  legsbrah: y run
(20:01 / All)  legsbrah: look how many towers ahhaha
(23:29 / All)  legsbrah: turns out blue is the pussy of the game
(23:41 / All)  iggythefisk: you will never defeat me
(23:57 / All)  Mata: stop creeping the noob
(26:13 / All)  Mata: be back after tome
(26:41 / All)  Mata: get ready teal
(26:45 / All)  Mata: prepare your defenses. i want your xp
(26:56 / All)  Mata: go 100 food
(27:19 / All)  Mata: lmk when
(28:25 / All)  legsbrah: dont run when we fight
(28:32 / All)  legsbrah: like you did before
(28:34 / All)  Mata: ok just fyi i'm not gonna let you expand
(28:37 / All)  Mata: so cancel that
(28:54 / All)  Mata: expos are for skillers only
(29:00 / All)  Mata: now ready
(29:18 / All)  Mata: oh boy
(29:21 / All)  Mata: i sure lost a unit
(29:22 / All)  Mata: no
(29:28 / All)  legsbrah: thats so cheese
(29:31 / All)  Mata: no units?
(29:38 / All)  legsbrah: what fucking cheese
(29:41 / All)  Mata: ok thanks for the exp. you may quit
(29:46 / All)  legsbrah: youre trash, 1v1 me
(29:51 / All)  Mata: dont forget to stay mad
(30:01 / All)  legsbrah: 1v1 trash boy?
(30:05 / All)  Mata: woulda been hard to kill blue without those levels
(30:28 / All)  legsbrah: thats what i thought you fat fuck
(30:29 / All)  legsbrah has left the game
(30:55 / All)  Mata: tror vi har mött honom innan
(31:04 / All)  iggythefisk: flera gånger, tyler-favorit
(31:07 / All)  iggythefisk: hållt honom a jour
(31:32 / All)  Mata: /dance
(31:32 / All)  iggythefisk: hawks är fina
(31:34 / All)  iggythefisk: men stora
(31:52 / All)  iggythefisk: lite apedagogiskt att de är större än gryphs
(31:59 / All)  Mata: jo de ser rätt lika ut
(32:06 / All)  Mata: vänta
(32:24 / All)  Mata: cool ängel
(32:43 / All)  Mata: ville bara se pala ult
(32:48 / All)  Mata: känns som det kommer ta ett tag tills nästa chans
(33:05 / All)  Mata: tyvärr kommer jag ladda upp reppen för att kunna göra layoutjobb
(33:18 / All)  iggythefisk: vi behöver den för legsbrah-kompendiet
(33:23 / All)  iggythefisk: gg lucker
(33:25 / All)  iggythefisk has left the game