
« tod and lawliet



Uploaded 2025-01-30 02:27:03

Game version 1.00 (6115)

93:31 long 1on1on1on1 ladder game on (8)MarketSquare

Saved by LawLiet
Team 0 Loser!
FumaKilla :
126 APM | 1 towers
Team 1 Winner!
LawLiet :
188 APM | 121 towers | 🗑️ | 🧻
Team 2 Loser!
hzieeseer :
138 APM
Team 3 Loser!
ToD :
256 APM | 80 towers | 👑 | 🗣️ | 🧻


(3:59 / All)  ToD: red
(4:00 / All)  ToD: why
(5:11 / All)  ToD: fking rusher
(6:50 / All)  FumaKilla has left the game
(10:24 / All)  ToD: teal
(10:24 / All)  ToD: b
(10:39 / All)  ToD: already got 1 who rushed me..
(27:52 / All)  LawLiet: blue so strong
(31:32 / All)  hzieeseer has left the game
(63:20 / All)  ToD: no matter who u are this is rather sad
(66:34 / All)  ToD: how boring
(66:34 / All)  ToD: are u
(66:49 / All)  LawLiet: really fun to play :)
(67:00 / All)  ToD: yeah cause you're a POS
(74:29 / All)  ToD: if its to do this shit
(74:33 / All)  ToD: u shouldve stayed retired
(74:34 / All)  ToD: tbh
(74:36 / All)  ToD: nobody was missing u
(74:37 / All)  ToD: in ffa
(74:37 / All)  LawLiet: :)
(74:45 / All)  LawLiet: so what
(74:47 / All)  LawLiet: then go out
(74:52 / All)  ToD: just dont queue
(74:54 / All)  ToD: if its to do this shit
(74:55 / All)  ToD: you're trash
(74:59 / All)  ToD: i would dumpster u in 1on1
(75:05 / All)  LawLiet: gogo 1on1?
(75:09 / All)  ToD: go
(76:46 / All)  ToD: dogshit
(76:54 / All)  LawLiet: i add you what is your acc
(76:59 / All)  ToD: just tell me
(76:59 / All)  ToD: gn
(77:04 / All)  LawLiet: u cr8
(77:06 / All)  LawLiet: on bnet?
(77:07 / All)  LawLiet: w3c?
(77:11 / All)  ToD: gn tod5
(77:12 / All)  ToD: w3c
(77:18 / All)  LawLiet: oh u tod?
(77:23 / All)  ToD: yeah right
(77:25 / All)  ToD: as if u didnt knwo
(77:27 / All)  LawLiet: oh sorry
(78:10 / All)  ToD: u just lucky
(78:11 / All)  ToD: this moron orc
(78:12 / All)  ToD: suicide me
(78:14 / All)  LawLiet: haha
(88:06 / All)  ToD: u play 1v1
(88:08 / All)  ToD: or not?
(88:13 / All)  LawLiet: my acc
(88:15 / All)  LawLiet: LawLiet
(88:19 / All)  LawLiet: hi bro
(88:20 / All)  ToD: so go mirror
(88:22 / All)  ToD: or ?
(88:28 / All)  LawLiet: u want mirror ? xD
(88:29 / All)  ToD: why u talk shit
(88:33 / All)  ToD: i would fucking anihilate u
(88:34 / All)  ToD: this game
(88:34 / All)  LawLiet: u talk shit first
(88:36 / All)  LawLiet: LOL
(88:37 / All)  ToD: wiwthout orc
(88:41 / All)  ToD: ?
(88:43 / All)  LawLiet: ?
(88:46 / All)  ToD: i just said
(88:46 / All)  ToD: u cant win
(88:48 / All)  ToD: and u play like ratr
(88:53 / All)  ToD: u only win cuz orc
(88:54 / All)  ToD: attacked me
(88:54 / All)  ToD: with u
(88:56 / All)  ToD: 1vs1 this game
(88:57 / All)  LawLiet: yes bcuz i just play for fun with paly rifle
(88:57 / All)  ToD: u 0 chancve
(89:03 / All)  LawLiet: then go play 1on1
(89:03 / All)  ToD: yeah its fun to play like a fucking dipshit
(89:05 / All)  ToD: running around the map
(89:05 / All)  LawLiet: why u play ffa
(89:14 / All)  ToD: i play ffa cause i like high level heroes
(89:14 / All)  LawLiet: and always say crying
(89:15 / All)  ToD: and fighting
(89:16 / All)  LawLiet: all time
(89:20 / All)  ToD: not to run around the map llike a little piecve of shjiot
(89:22 / All)  ToD: like you di
(89:23 / All)  ToD: did
(89:24 / All)  LawLiet: yes i just want to fun :)
(89:25 / All)  ToD: yopu understand that?
(89:26 / All)  LawLiet: anyway
(89:27 / All)  ToD: little man?
(89:31 / All)  ToD: yeah its fun
(89:31 / All)  LawLiet: thanks for my youtube contents
(89:32 / All)  ToD: to run around
(89:37 / All)  ToD: and take 0 fights
(89:41 / All)  ToD: do nothing
(89:41 / All)  ToD: all game
(89:44 / All)  ToD: really fun
(89:44 / All)  LawLiet: vs high lvl hero
(89:45 / All)  LawLiet: fight?
(89:46 / All)  ToD: sooo fun
(89:47 / All)  LawLiet: 0 iq
(89:51 / All)  ToD: yeah cause u lost
(89:52 / All)  ToD: fights
(89:54 / All)  ToD: like shit
(89:54 / All)  LawLiet: yes
(89:55 / All)  ToD: actually
(89:56 / All)  LawLiet: so i just choice
(89:59 / All)  LawLiet: only 1 way
(90:02 / All)  LawLiet: its wrong ?
(90:03 / All)  LawLiet: lol
(90:04 / All)  ToD: yeah then dont talk
(90:07 / All)  ToD: if i say u play like a rat
(90:13 / All)  LawLiet: i say
(90:15 / All)  LawLiet: just out
(90:16 / All)  ToD: cause u know its true
(90:20 / All)  ToD: you're a clown
(90:21 / All)  ToD: online
(90:23 / All)  ToD: in real life
(90:24 / All)  LawLiet: u too man
(90:25 / All)  ToD: u never said this
(90:25 / All)  ToD: ever
(90:29 / All)  ToD: and u know it
(90:33 / All)  ToD: just online
(90:34 / All)  ToD: tazlk alot
(90:34 / All)  LawLiet: so 1 more time teach you? how to use
(90:38 / All)  LawLiet: abolish?
(90:39 / All)  ToD: teach me what?
(90:50 / All)  LawLiet: stop crying
(90:51 / All)  ToD: abolish is an elf spell i play human you fucking cretin
(90:57 / All)  LawLiet: just play
(90:57 / All)  ToD: what in the fuck are you talking about?
(91:05 / All)  ToD: i'm trying to play but u just camp with 9999 tiowers
(91:06 / All)  ToD: and lame
(91:09 / All)  ToD: cause u have 0 chance
(91:11 / All)  ToD: in normal game
(91:14 / All)  LawLiet: your base tower
(91:15 / All)  ToD: its pathetic
(91:17 / All)  LawLiet: much more than
(91:18 / All)  LawLiet: my base
(91:20 / All)  LawLiet: man
(91:22 / All)  ToD: loool
(91:25 / All)  ToD: u made 10x more towers
(91:26 / All)  ToD: tahn me this game
(91:31 / All)  ToD: and i made towers cause i was vs 2 players
(91:31 / All)  LawLiet: okok
(91:33 / All)  LawLiet: my falut
(91:34 / All)  LawLiet: so sorry
(91:34 / All)  ToD: not because i'm a clown
(91:35 / All)  ToD: like u
(91:37 / All)  ToD: yueah yeah
(91:39 / All)  LawLiet: ok ok
(91:40 / All)  ToD: try to say to me
(91:40 / All)  LawLiet: u no.1
(91:42 / All)  ToD: next time
(91:45 / All)  ToD: just online
(91:45 / All)  ToD has left the game