
« finally got one



Uploaded 2024-04-20 06:22:29

Game version 1.36 (6115)

52:03 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)Northshire_S2

Saved by GIGA
Team 0 Winner!
Jgraham2 (30) :
13 APM | 39 towers
DudeWhy (233) :
88 APM | 22 towers | 9.1k sources fed
GIGA (206) :
166 APM | 17 towers | 👑
Cabeelibob (189) :
45 APM | 14 towers | 14.7k sources fed | 🍽️
Team 1 Loser!
Osogrande :
31 APM | 6 towers | 2.1k sources fed
Random :
69 APM | 1 towers | 🗣️ | | 🧻
RandomNewbs (3) :
47 APM | 60 towers | 🗑️ | 🧻
frozenfrog :
59 APM | 17 towers


(0:04 / All)  RandomNewbs: gg
(0:16 / All)  Cabeelibob: glhf
(14:14 / All)  Random: lol
(14:16 / All)  Random: looks so cool
(15:39 / All)  Random: no cool bro not cool
(28:14 / Allies)  Cabeelibob: TK for the Block?
(29:06 / All)  Random: i cant believe these guys cant use hawaks and end
(32:03 / All)  Random: BOOM
(33:09 / All)  Random: WHERE MY`
(33:18 / All)  Cabeelibob: Where your priests?
(33:30 / All)  Random: i dont get what tey doing
(35:20 / All)  GIGA: BOOM
(35:24 / All)  Random: o well
(35:31 / All)  Random: 2 earthquakes done
(37:07 / All)  Random: RUDE
(37:21 / All)  Random: AND I HAVE NO BASE
(37:25 / All)  Random: lol wtf they doing
(37:34 / All)  Cabeelibob: seen matrix 4?
(37:37 / All)  Random: pink legit has 1000 turrets too
(37:46 / All)  Random: this is the biggest noob game ever and i love it
(38:39 / All)  Random: u took the only threat out u won
(39:50 / All)  Cabeelibob: i eat meal
(41:47 / All)  Random: gg u def won
(41:50 / All)  Random: pink is so bad hahaha
(41:53 / All)  DudeWhy: yeah
(41:58 / All)  Random: fun to watch tho
(41:58 / All)  Cabeelibob: Seen matrix 4?
(42:00 / All)  RandomNewbs: these retards kids wouldnt touch your pally
(42:02 / All)  GIGA: pink prob your best player lol
(42:09 / All)  GIGA: the frost
(42:14 / All)  Random: ur funny like pink
(42:17 / All)  GIGA: sometimes it maks the blade stick
(42:18 / All)  Cabeelibob: Sometimes it makes the blade sticks
(42:34 / All)  RandomNewbs: these retards would focus your pally healing your other heroes
(42:38 / All)  RandomNewbs: pure retardation
(42:38 / All)  Random: nice win as AT against bunch of tards tho
(42:39 / All)  Random: was fun
(42:49 / All)  Jgraham2: i havent clicked in the game for like 20 min
(42:59 / All)  Random: 2 ez u dont need to
(43:09 / All)  Random: pink just towers and cries to others to chase ur pally
(43:20 / All)  RandomNewbs: watch the replay I top score
(43:25 / All)  Random: and now hes going wyvs hahahhaha
(43:27 / All)  Random: hes so bad
(43:29 / All)  Cabeelibob: Thats fine
(44:00 / All)  Random: pink ur resource scores means nothing when u never attacked
(44:16 / All)  RandomNewbs: watch replay stupid you too dumb
(44:19 / All)  Random: lol
(44:23 / All)  Random: hes so good
(45:48 / All)  RandomNewbs: blue is retarded, he thinkg he going to win by letting your pally get to level 10
(45:58 / All)  Random: which pally?
(46:03 / All)  Random: they have so many
(46:52 / All)  Cabeelibob: passes it to the man
(47:21 / All)  Cabeelibob: What did you think of Mulan 2?
(47:22 / All)  RandomNewbs: mad luck, 3 super downs syndrome allies
(47:49 / All)  RandomNewbs: when they focus your MK, your level 1 pally kept healing them but they too dumb to realize LOL
(48:29 / All)  RandomNewbs: blue didnt say anthing cause he newb and just realized that made sense LOL
(48:33 / All)  RandomNewbs: blue is a chimp
(48:41 / All)  Random: gg
(48:56 / All)  GIGA: boom tho
(49:03 / All)  Cabeelibob: Cabeelibob and the Art of Soaking levels
(49:06 / All)  GIGA: remember earthquake?
(49:19 / All)  RandomNewbs: nah, these 3 are retarded special ed, they let you level 1 pally support your heroes
(49:27 / All)  Cabeelibob: I was in special ed too
(49:48 / All)  Random: pink u tower and go bats everygame stop talking plz lol
(50:44 / Allies)  Jgraham2: u think caitlan clark will move the needle on women's professional basketball?
(51:22 / All)  RandomNewbs has left the game
(51:23 / All)  Jgraham2: u think caitlan clark will move the needle on women's professional basketball?
(51:30 / All)  Osogrande has left the game
(51:34 / All)  frozenfrog has left the game
(51:35 / All)  Random: lol gg
(51:40 / All)  DudeWhy: gg
(51:40 / All)  Jgraham2: ahw
(51:41 / All)  Random: those noobs were funny af
(51:45 / All)  Jgraham2: i wanted to know
(51:48 / All)  DudeWhy: yeah those noobs
(51:49 / All)  Random: cant believe ur fun at strat worked gg
(51:49 / All)  GIGA: bro u lit awful chill
(51:55 / All)  Random: best 1 here ezpz
(51:55 / All)  Random: gg
(51:58 / All)  Random has left the game