Uploaded 2023-05-30 00:10:13
Game version 1.36 (6115)
17:39 long 1on1 ladder game on (2)Tidehunters_S2_v1.2
Saved by DKnight
Uploaded 2023-05-30 00:10:13
Game version 1.36 (6115)
17:39 long 1on1 ladder game on (2)Tidehunters_S2_v1.2
Rod of Necromancy | 4 | 600 |
Potion of Healing | 3 | 450 |
Orb of Corruption | 1 | 375 |
Claws of Attack +9 | 1 | 300 |
Claws of Attack +6 | 1 | 125 |
total: | 10 | 1850g |
Acolyte | 4 | 300 | / | 0 |
Ghoul | 13 | 1560 | / | 0 |
Crypt Fiend | 8 | 1720 | / | 320 |
Obsidian Statue | 4 | 800 | / | 140 |
total: | 29 | 4380g | / | 460w |
Nerubian Tower | 1 | 100 | / | 20 |
Spirit Tower | 1 | 145 | / | 40 |
Altar of Darkness | 1 | 180 | / | 50 |
Ziggurat | 6 | 900 | / | 300 |
Crypt | 1 | 200 | / | 50 |
Tomb of Relics | 1 | 130 | / | 30 |
Graveyard | 1 | 215 | / | 0 |
Slaughterhouse | 1 | 140 | / | 135 |
Halls of the Dead | 1 | 320 | / | 210 |
Black Citadel | 1 | 325 | / | 230 |
total: | 11 | 1765g | / | 565w |
0:02 | Acolyte |
0:02 | Acolyte |
0:06 | Altar of Darkness |
0:07 | Ziggurat |
0:36 | Crypt |
0:57 | Tomb of Relics |
0:59 | Acolyte |
1:38 | Ghoul |
1:55 | Ghoul |
2:06 | Ghoul |
2:08 | Impale |
2:09 | Rod of Necromancy |
2:14 | Ghoul |
2:58 | Halls of the Dead |
3:01 | Graveyard |
3:31 | Carrion Beetles |
3:42 | Ziggurat |
3:43 | Nerubian Tower |
3:45 | Ziggurat |
4:12 | Ziggurat |
4:42 | Creature Attack |
4:56 | Spirit Tower |
5:40 | Carrion Beetles |
5:44 | Ghoul |
5:44 | Ghoul |
5:45 | Rod of Necromancy |
6:04 | Ghoul |
6:04 | Ghoul |
6:04 | Ghoul |
6:36 | Ghoul |
6:45 | Frost Nova |
7:13 | Black Citadel |
8:20 | Slaughterhouse |
8:52 | Ziggurat |
8:54 | Ziggurat |
9:05 | Unholy Strength |
9:06 | Ghoul |
9:06 | Ghoul |
9:06 | Ghoul |
9:11 | Crypt Fiend |
9:11 | Crypt Fiend |
9:14 | Potion of Healing |
9:16 | Rod of Necromancy |
9:26 | Obsidian Statue |
9:41 | Dark Ritual |
10:00 | Obsidian Statue |
10:13 | Orb of Corruption |
10:41 | Potion of Healing |
11:22 | Impale |
11:51 | Crypt Fiend |
11:51 | Crypt Fiend |
11:59 | Potion of Healing |
12:09 | Rod of Necromancy |
13:10 | Obsidian Statue |
13:11 | Destroyer Form |
13:12 | Frost Nova |
13:54 | Crypt Fiend |
13:54 | Crypt Fiend |
14:19 | Crypt Fiend |
14:32 | Acolyte |
14:42 | Obsidian Statue |
14:47 | Web |
15:18 | Claws of Attack +9 |
15:20 | Claws of Attack +6 |
17:22 | Crypt Fiend |
Right click | 1728 |
Select | 611 |
Select group | 548 |
Build/train/purchase | 115 |
Misc. action | 67 |
Assign group | 46 |
Use ability | 28 |
Esc | 6 |
Remove unit | 3 |
Item give/drop | 1 |
Rod of Necromancy | 3 | 450 |
Orb of Corruption | 1 | 375 |
Scroll of Healing | 2 | 500 |
total: | 6 | 1325g |
Acolyte | 4 | 300 | / | 0 |
Ghoul | 2 | 240 | / | 0 |
Crypt Fiend | 23 | 4945 | / | 920 |
Obsidian Statue | 4 | 800 | / | 140 |
total: | 33 | 6285g | / | 1060w |
Crypt | 2 | 400 | / | 100 |
Altar of Darkness | 1 | 180 | / | 50 |
Ziggurat | 4 | 600 | / | 200 |
Graveyard | 1 | 215 | / | 0 |
Tomb of Relics | 1 | 130 | / | 30 |
Slaughterhouse | 1 | 140 | / | 135 |
Halls of the Dead | 1 | 320 | / | 210 |
Black Citadel | 1 | 325 | / | 230 |
total: | 10 | 1665g | / | 515w |
0:02 | Acolyte |
0:02 | Acolyte |
0:05 | Crypt |
0:24 | Crypt |
0:30 | Altar of Darkness |
0:39 | Ziggurat |
1:01 | Graveyard |
1:13 | Ghoul |
1:27 | Tomb of Relics |
1:41 | Ghoul |
2:06 | Ziggurat |
2:29 | Rod of Necromancy |
2:30 | Death Coil |
2:33 | Crypt Fiend |
3:03 | Halls of the Dead |
3:25 | Crypt Fiend |
3:44 | Crypt Fiend |
4:17 | Crypt Fiend |
4:32 | Unholy Aura |
4:39 | Ziggurat |
6:01 | Slaughterhouse |
6:05 | Crypt Fiend |
6:26 | Black Citadel |
6:42 | Rod of Necromancy |
6:45 | Frost Nova |
6:49 | Crypt Fiend |
7:21 | Obsidian Statue |
7:24 | Ziggurat |
7:47 | Death Coil |
8:13 | Crypt Fiend |
8:16 | Dark Ritual |
8:52 | Destroyer Form |
8:58 | Creature Attack |
9:00 | Crypt Fiend |
9:10 | Orb of Corruption |
9:30 | Obsidian Statue |
9:53 | Crypt Fiend |
10:12 | Crypt Fiend |
10:38 | Obsidian Statue |
11:10 | Crypt Fiend |
11:29 | Crypt Fiend |
11:37 | Obsidian Statue |
12:00 | Acolyte |
12:11 | Improved Creature Attack |
13:07 | Crypt Fiend |
13:27 | Crypt Fiend |
13:42 | Crypt Fiend |
13:51 | Frost Nova |
14:04 | Unholy Aura |
14:20 | Crypt Fiend |
14:50 | Scroll of Healing |
14:52 | Crypt Fiend |
15:35 | Rod of Necromancy |
15:40 | Crypt Fiend |
15:47 | Acolyte |
15:51 | Crypt Fiend |
16:34 | Crypt Fiend |
16:49 | Crypt Fiend |
16:52 | Dark Ritual |
17:03 | Scroll of Healing |
17:11 | Death Coil |
17:17 | Crypt Fiend |
17:27 | Crypt Fiend |
Right click | 1114 |
Select group | 993 |
Select | 428 |
Misc. action | 156 |
Build/train/purchase | 79 |
Assign group | 65 |
Use ability | 42 |
Chat | 19 |
Item give/drop | 2 |
Esc | 1 |