
« Block gets highper.ch'ed



Uploaded 2022-11-17 17:41:24

Game version 1.33

137:43 long 3on3 ladder game on (6)UpperKingdom

Saved by Cabeelibob
Team 0 Winner!
NubNubFruit :
0 APM | 🗑️
MassOwn (2) :
43 APM | 68 towers
Beholder (5) :
95 APM | 14 towers | 6.1k sources fed | 👑 | 🗣️
Team 1 Loser!
DudeWhy (233) :
65 APM | 40 towers
GIGA (206) :
72 APM | 88 towers
Cabeelibob (189) :
43 APM | 14 towers | 23.1k sources fed


(0:01 / All)  NubNubFruit has left the game
(2:56 / All)  Beholder: dude why?
(33:48 / All)  Cabeelibob: Nice peon steal
(33:53 / All)  Beholder: xd
(34:00 / All)  Cabeelibob: actual mad respect
(39:57 / All)  Cabeelibob: YEEEEEEEEES!
(40:01 / All)  Cabeelibob: HIGHPERCH!
(40:07 / All)  Cabeelibob: LITERAL MAD RESPECT
(40:16 / All)  Beholder: D
(45:46 / All)  Cabeelibob: seen matrix 4?
(45:49 / All)  Beholder: n
(45:50 / All)  MassOwn: terrible
(46:21 / All)  Beholder: too woke
(46:27 / All)  Cabeelibob: right?!
(71:01 / All)  Beholder: CHEATER
(71:09 / All)  Beholder: was between teh doc and the acolyte
(71:18 / All)  Cabeelibob: my bad
(78:05 / All)  Beholder: XD
(79:25 / All)  Beholder: XD
(79:40 / All)  DudeWhy: haha nice
(79:48 / All)  Beholder: XD
(88:18 / All)  Beholder: XD
(88:23 / All)  GIGA: drat
(88:25 / All)  Cabeelibob: This is fun
(90:46 / All)  Cabeelibob: I have severe erectile dysfunction
(96:53 / All)  Beholder: How much gold overall? 25-30k?
(96:59 / All)  GIGA: a bit more
(97:03 / All)  Cabeelibob: about tree fidy
(97:03 / All)  Beholder: 35k?
(99:51 / All)  Cabeelibob: What did you think of the Star Wars Sequels?
(100:08 / All)  Beholder: I haven't watched those, not a fan of them, I think they are overrated and mostly for young ones.
(100:13 / All)  Beholder: Lord of the rings is the king of movies.
(100:23 / All)  Cabeelibob: Are you gay?
(100:28 / All)  Cabeelibob: because you give me boner
(100:29 / All)  Beholder: no, are you?
(100:31 / All)  Beholder: :-D
(100:36 / All)  Cabeelibob: Lord of the Rings
(100:38 / All)  Cabeelibob: So good
(100:42 / All)  Beholder: yup!
(100:47 / All)  Beholder: Too bad they butchered the series.
(100:48 / All)  Cabeelibob: Perhaps the perfect trilogy
(100:54 / All)  Beholder: best movies ever imo.
(101:01 / All)  Cabeelibob: absent of any.... human error
(101:07 / All)  Beholder: Just the opening scene alone on fellowship of the rings..
(101:20 / All)  Cabeelibob: That momentarily cures my ED
(101:51 / All)  Beholder: Go use it on your wife buddy, we can wait.
(102:03 / All)  Cabeelibob: Know any single women?
(102:08 / All)  Cabeelibob: Im not married
(102:13 / All)  Cabeelibob: and a virgin
(102:16 / All)  Beholder: GIga's sister.
(102:24 / All)  Beholder: Virginity is good!
(102:36 / All)  Beholder: Hold on to that until you find the special woman, marry her and do God's will!
(102:42 / All)  Cabeelibob: Amen
(102:45 / All)  Beholder: Amen brother.
(102:52 / All)  Cabeelibob: I have a bachelors in Theology you know?
(102:57 / All)  Beholder: Very nice!
(103:04 / All)  Beholder: Do you think we are living in the end times?
(103:09 / All)  Cabeelibob: NO
(103:14 / All)  Cabeelibob: Probably
(103:34 / All)  Beholder: Did you take the covid vaccine?
(103:42 / All)  Cabeelibob: yeah
(103:45 / All)  Beholder: :(
(104:12 / All)  Cabeelibob: I may have been able to graduate college, but I'm not a smart man
(104:51 / All)  Beholder: Just don't take the mark of the beast.
(104:53 / All)  Beholder: It is coming...
(105:03 / All)  Cabeelibob: So am I
(105:07 / All)  Beholder: Kinky.
(105:56 / All)  Beholder: HEY
(105:57 / All)  Beholder: MK
(106:03 / All)  Beholder: You just killed a single woman...
(106:11 / All)  GIGA: did you ned that?
(106:14 / All)  Cabeelibob: no mercy in warcraft
(106:15 / All)  Beholder: That could have been Cabeliboob's love..
(106:26 / All)  Cabeelibob: she was a slut
(106:26 / All)  Beholder: bob's*
(106:31 / All)  Beholder: She was a virgin.
(106:34 / All)  Beholder: Just like you.
(106:34 / All)  Cabeelibob: I could smell it
(106:49 / All)  Beholder: She was a fierce warrior that had seen multiple battles.
(107:02 / All)  Cabeelibob: she dies with honor.
(107:03 / All)  Beholder: And you just let your buddy kill her... with a hammer of all things.
(107:05 / All)  Cabeelibob: respect
(113:57 / All)  GIGA: hmmm lmao
(113:59 / All)  Beholder: XD
(114:01 / All)  DudeWhy: NICE WORK FELLAS
(114:03 / All)  DudeWhy: gg
(114:05 / All)  Beholder: GG
(114:07 / All)  GIGA: well don
(114:13 / All)  Beholder: Good sport guys, good sport!
(114:17 / All)  GIGA: saw it earlyish and couldnt get it done
(114:28 / All)  Beholder: y
(114:29 / All)  GIGA: we normally block aka "cube"
(114:32 / All)  Beholder: You guys let us prepare it a bit too long
(114:40 / All)  GIGA: we only rushed becasue one of your players left
(114:47 / All)  Beholder: ^_^
(114:51 / All)  Beholder: Been cubing since 2005!
(114:55 / All)  Beholder: Most enjoyable way to play.
(115:07 / All)  GIGA: are you on highper.ch?
(115:12 / All)  Beholder: what's that?
(115:18 / All)  Beholder: I am a RoC player.
(115:25 / All)  GIGA: website for uploading replays
(115:28 / All)  Cabeelibob: Websight built specifically for you
(115:37 / All)  Cabeelibob: this is legit the play that the creators do
(115:37 / All)  Beholder: na, we have a discord we hang out in, I can invite you guys.
(115:42 / All)  GIGA: the people who made it invented the strat you are using
(115:49 / All)  Beholder: I don't think they invented it.
(115:57 / All)  Beholder: unless they old school roc players from 2002.
(116:02 / All)  GIGA: they are
(116:05 / All)  Beholder: Nice
(116:07 / All)  Beholder: They have a discord?
(116:10 / All)  GIGA: yes
(116:19 / All)  Beholder: I add you guys after as friends, maybe send it to me?
(116:20 / All)  GIGA: go to their website now its legit
(116:23 / All)  GIGA: highper.ch
(116:33 / All)  Beholder: We have a discord group with a lot of old RoC players
(116:37 / All)  Beholder: if you're interested in joining.
(117:43 / All)  Beholder: https://discord.gg/AVPa9xaN
(119:22 / All)  Beholder: viiksi
(122:39 / All)  Beholder: Gargoyle
(122:40 / All)  Beholder: stone form
(122:44 / All)  Cabeelibob: oh shit
(122:49 / All)  Cabeelibob: what is that?
(122:56 / All)  Cabeelibob: I'm new
(122:58 / All)  Cabeelibob: sorry
(123:12 / All)  Beholder: HumanKingTom
(123:14 / All)  Beholder: King Thrawn
(123:15 / All)  Beholder: bond king
(127:32 / All)  Cabeelibob: HOLY SHIT
(127:38 / All)  Cabeelibob: THE PERFECT PLAY
(127:46 / All)  Beholder: ure amazing buddy.
(127:49 / All)  Cabeelibob: Actual Mad Respect
(127:53 / All)  Beholder: :-D
(127:55 / All)  Beholder: which one of u
(127:57 / All)  Beholder: was it that joined voice?
(127:59 / All)  Cabeelibob: Giga
(128:06 / All)  GIGA: yeah me
(128:17 / All)  Beholder: The one who bolted the furious archer warrior..
(129:55 / All)  Cabeelibob: THEY BANNED YOU?!
(130:01 / All)  Beholder: Haha yeah :D
(130:01 / All)  Cabeelibob: FROM WC3 CHAMP?!
(130:05 / All)  Beholder: Cudn't handle the cube.
(130:08 / All)  Cabeelibob: THOSE BASTARDS
(130:16 / All)  Beholder: But we got unbanned because of few admins who didn't buy the other admin's bs.
(130:25 / All)  Beholder: still, we were unbanned for 3 months or so.
(130:28 / All)  Beholder: banned**
(130:35 / All)  Cabeelibob: You are a hero sir
(130:41 / All)  Cabeelibob: a man after our own heart
(130:49 / All)  Cabeelibob: the art of finely aged cheese
(130:51 / All)  Beholder: Alex Jones is a hero, but thank you.
(131:50 / All)  Cabeelibob: Y'all are next level
(131:58 / All)  Cabeelibob: You should play with us
(132:06 / All)  DudeWhy: we need to learn
(132:11 / All)  Cabeelibob: Show us your ways
(132:16 / All)  Beholder: :D
(132:20 / All)  Beholder: We can play.
(132:30 / All)  Cabeelibob: We need you to perfect our current play
(133:26 / All)  Beholder: We gonna start dancing again soon?
(133:31 / All)  DudeWhy: yeah
(133:33 / All)  GIGA: one last ride
(133:34 / All)  Cabeelibob: I'm drunk
(135:51 / All)  Beholder: XD
(135:54 / All)  GIGA: lmao
(135:56 / All)  DudeWhy: that was amazing
(135:57 / All)  Cabeelibob: LMAO
(136:07 / All)  DudeWhy has left the game
(136:09 / All)  Cabeelibob: Can we invite to the discord?
(136:09 / All)  GIGA: gg
(136:12 / All)  Beholder: sure.
(136:26 / All)  GIGA has left the game
(137:10 / All)  Beholder: https://www.twitch.tv/mass_own
(137:41 / All)  Cabeelibob: gg
(137:43 / All)  Cabeelibob has left the game