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Uploaded 2022-06-20 20:31:56

Game version 1.32.10

48:46 long 3on3 ladder game on (6)Monsoon_LV

Saved by GIGA
Team 0 Winner!
DudeWhy (233) :
76 APM | 10 towers
GIGA (206) :
113 APM | 57 towers | 2.3k sources fed | 👑 | 🗣️
Cabeelibob (189) :
46 APM | 4 towers | 14.4k sources fed | 🍽️
Team 1 Loser!
Cns6445 (2) :
100 APM | 38 towers | 0.3k sources fed | 🗑️ | 🧻
ShinyPants (2) :
43 APM
vq37vhr (2) :
155 APM | 2.7k sources fed | 🧻


(1:23 / All)  Cabeelibob: |glhf]
(17:32 / All)  GIGA: :(
(17:54 / All)  GIGA: xd
(18:17 / All)  GIGA: how old are you?
(23:24 / All)  vq37vhr: GG
(23:27 / All)  GIGA: gg
(23:27 / All)  vq37vhr: i got two noobs
(23:30 / All)  vq37vhr: sitting doing shit
(23:34 / All)  DudeWhy: GG
(23:40 / All)  Cabeelibob: i eat meal
(23:56 / All)  Cabeelibob: seen matrix 4?\
(24:07 / All)  vq37vhr: yea
(24:09 / All)  vq37vhr: ima watch
(24:11 / All)  vq37vhr: purp get killed
(24:14 / All)  vq37vhr: hes a dumbass
(25:08 / All)  GIGA: ?_?
(25:12 / All)  vq37vhr: LOL
(25:16 / All)  vq37vhr: both a re fucking retarded
(25:19 / All)  ShinyPants has left the game
(25:20 / All)  DudeWhy: ?
(25:26 / All)  Cabeelibob: what did you think of Jurrasic parK?
(25:28 / All)  GIGA: but you are the worst player here?
(25:33 / All)  vq37vhr: bro
(25:40 / All)  GIGA: for real tho
(25:42 / All)  vq37vhr: U had to 2v1 me
(25:43 / All)  vq37vhr: dumbass
(25:44 / All)  vq37vhr: LOL
(25:45 / All)  GIGA: hmm
(25:48 / All)  GIGA: you bad tho
(25:55 / All)  GIGA: i saw you be bad once
(25:57 / All)  vq37vhr: 'u BaD though"
(26:03 / All)  Cabeelibob: ever had Kentucky Tavern>?
(26:05 / All)  vq37vhr: u can say that when u carry ur teammates
(26:17 / All)  GIGA: im controling the gyros live one
(32:40 / All)  GIGA: explain to me making chims at this point
(32:51 / All)  GIGA: like... whats the fantasy?
(33:10 / All)  Cabeelibob: What do you think of the FF7 remake?
(37:45 / All)  GIGA: :(
(40:36 / All)  Cns6445: wood
(40:39 / All)  GIGA: k
(40:45 / All)  Cabeelibob: peePee
(40:48 / All)  Cabeelibob: morning
(40:53 / All)  Cabeelibob: erection
(44:46 / All)  GIGA: gg
(44:49 / All)  DudeWhy: gg
(44:58 / All)  GIGA: gay strat
(45:03 / All)  Cns6445: lool
(45:18 / All)  GIGA: who uses bats lmao?
(45:56 / All)  GIGA: stop building please
(45:59 / All)  GIGA: play serious
(46:05 / All)  vq37vhr: like i said
(46:06 / All)  vq37vhr: 3v1
(46:11 / All)  vq37vhr: CANT FUCKING CARRY
(46:30 / All)  GIGA: you built mass air vs gyros lol
(46:47 / All)  vq37vhr: hey dumbass
(46:53 / All)  vq37vhr: i built mass air late game
(46:55 / All)  Cabeelibob: evaporation of Puerto Rico
(46:57 / All)  GIGA: im better than you
(46:58 / All)  vq37vhr: LOL
(47:00 / All)  vq37vhr: bro
(47:02 / All)  vq37vhr: u got carried
(47:03 / All)  vq37vhr: 1v1
(47:04 / All)  vq37vhr: ud lose
(47:13 / All)  GIGA: im the gyro guy btw
(47:20 / All)  vq37vhr: No shit
(47:25 / All)  vq37vhr: my team just sucks balls
(47:38 / All)  Cabeelibob: Did you or did you not see Matrix 4?
(47:51 / All)  Cns6445: good tower
(47:57 / All)  GIGA: ty
(47:57 / All)  Cns6445: you guys AT?
(48:05 / All)  vq37vhr has left the game
(48:07 / All)  GIGA: yes ofc
(48:08 / All)  DudeWhy: yeah'
(48:17 / All)  Cabeelibob: i eat meal
(48:24 / All)  Cns6445 has left the game