
« pre teamers ... again.



Uploaded 2022-06-10 03:32:20

Game version 1.32.10

30:18 long 1on1on1on1 ladder game on (4)GreenvilleWoods

Saved by IIlIIlIllIII
Team 0 Winner!
IIlIIlIllIII (10) :
199 APM | 19 towers | 🗣️ | 🧻
Team 1 Loser!
Monkeyminhy (3) :
112 APM | 21 towers
Team 2 Loser!
ǢƂŎ (19) :
122 APM | 10 towers | 👑
Team 3 Loser!
badgaljuju (3) :
79 APM | 8 towers | 🗑️


(0:04 / All)  IIlIIlIllIII: !mute
(0:04 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: Command 'mute' matched multiple players (Blizzard, Monkeyminhy#1794, IIlIIlIllIII#1961, badgaljuju#1798, ǢƂŎ#1451) for input ''
(0:04 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: Unknown command 'mute '
(0:08 / All)  IIlIIlIllIII: !unmuet 1
(0:10 / All)  IIlIIlIllIII: !Unmute 1
(0:10 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: Executed '!unmute IIlIIlIllIII#1961'
(0:11 / All)  IIlIIlIllIII: !Unmute 2
(0:11 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: Executed '!unmute Monkeyminhy#1794'
(0:15 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: there we go
(0:23 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: beautiful
(0:26 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: lol
(0:26 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: xD
(0:32 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: pays off my patience
(0:34 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: im bot right
(0:37 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: im going tc pitlord
(0:38 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: top left
(0:39 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: 1 base
(0:42 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: ok
(1:08 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: u don't have to 1 base
(1:11 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: get 1 expo is good i think
(1:16 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: unless u plan to rush
(1:18 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: ya true
(1:21 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: im gonna power creep
(1:23 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: but tc pitlord rush is weak?
(1:25 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: yeah
(1:29 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: yeah it is
(1:31 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: need high lvl tc
(1:45 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: we got this
(1:47 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: ;)
(1:48 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: no more noob 3rd guy
(1:50 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: ya
(1:54 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: i crept mid
(1:54 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: deathrose
(1:56 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: got both summons
(1:59 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: then pusehd the NE
(2:08 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: he lost
(2:10 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: everything lol
(2:11 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: seems he is gonna make bats again
(2:19 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: juju only has 1 strat lol
(2:23 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: ya lol
(2:25 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: should we get towers or not
(2:30 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: ya
(2:32 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: they will lame
(2:41 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: i mean we can rush them and not get tower
(2:42 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: both works
(2:46 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: true
(2:48 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: but i say we play the slow way
(2:53 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: yes sir!
(2:53 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: ;D
(2:54 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: make it fun
(2:55 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: xD
(5:03 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: i literally paused my coursera video to play this lol
(5:06 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: thank you
(5:13 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: :D
(5:18 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: i want to play this too lol
(6:58 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: top right is orc
(7:00 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: monkey
(8:27 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: left ur
(8:29 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: top left mid creep
(8:32 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: crept otehrs already
(9:12 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: top right rushing me
(9:14 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: kinda losing
(9:16 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: but should be okay
(9:20 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: ok
(9:23 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: fs mass hh
(9:54 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: attcking top right
(11:03 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: oh he got pitlord too
(11:57 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: he tp
(15:30 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: both on me
(15:38 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: hittins bot left expo
(16:16 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: gotta defend u
(16:18 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: blue has
(16:20 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: like 10 towers
(19:48 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: damn
(19:51 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: he took out my shit
(20:02 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: i got demos
(20:02 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: left side
(20:03 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: killing blue now
(20:14 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: if u can make it 1v1 against top right
(20:16 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: then maybe winnable
(20:42 / Private)  IIlIIlIllIII: blue is dead soon
(20:48 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: he still has some bats
(21:15 / All)  ǢƂŎ has left the game
(21:22 / All)  badgaljuju: fuckin bitch ass teamers
(21:25 / All)  IIlIIlIllIII: noobs
(30:14 / All)  Monkeyminhy has left the game
(30:16 / All)  badgaljuju has left the game