
« Fab talk shit but can't win fight 20+ food



Uploaded 2022-03-31 22:57:15

Game version 1.32.10

27:54 long 1on1on1on1 ladder game on (6)SilverpineForest

Saved by ǢƂŎ
Team 0 Loser!
Fab (7) :
98 APM
Team 1 Loser!
Mesharek :
55 APM
Team 2 Loser!
BiG :
73 APM | 🗑️
Team 3 Winner!
ǢƂŎ (19) :
146 APM | 👑 | 🗣️ | 🛒


(0:04 / All)  ǢƂŎ: !mute #
(0:04 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Command 'mute' matched multiple players (BiG#22474, Fab#22794, ǢƂŎ#1451, Mesharek#2565) for input '#'
(0:04 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Unknown command 'mute #'
(0:10 / All)  ǢƂŎ: oh damn,, boy
(0:14 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u still playing this game lol?
(0:30 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i thought u went to play dota dude
(0:51 / All)  Fab: is elden ring good?
(0:51 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u there ?
(0:52 / All)  ǢƂŎ: xD
(0:55 / All)  ǢƂŎ: ya it's not bad
(1:03 / All)  ǢƂŎ: !unmute 1
(1:03 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Executed '!unmute Fab#22794'
(1:11 / All)  ǢƂŎ: but u should play dota
(1:22 / All)  Fab: dota is a peasant game
(1:29 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u goona suicide me again?
(1:30 / All)  ǢƂŎ: xD
(1:31 / All)  Fab: also a peon's game
(1:41 / All)  Fab: who are you
(1:44 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i m fab
(1:45 / All)  ǢƂŎ: xD
(1:45 / All)  Fab: first time today
(1:53 / All)  ǢƂŎ: ok seems like u r suiciding
(1:54 / All)  Fab: who's fab?
(1:56 / All)  ǢƂŎ: playing dumb
(1:58 / All)  ǢƂŎ: got it
(2:25 / All)  ǢƂŎ: btw u should get a life blue
(2:39 / All)  ǢƂŎ: if u want to suicide
(2:41 / All)  ǢƂŎ: we can play 1v1
(2:43 / All)  ǢƂŎ: after FFA
(2:51 / All)  Fab: teal you should be smarter and get awife
(2:57 / All)  ǢƂŎ: haha
(3:09 / All)  ǢƂŎ: why u dodge 1v1?
(3:20 / All)  ǢƂŎ: then play 1v1 here
(3:22 / All)  Fab: how much money you earn today
(3:24 / All)  ǢƂŎ: wtf is that
(3:28 / All)  Fab: youtube boy
(3:30 / All)  ǢƂŎ: xD
(3:38 / All)  Fab: why you fear me so much#?
(3:49 / All)  ǢƂŎ: what?
(4:36 / All)  Fab: i don't even try to remember other's id
(4:40 / All)  Fab: why you so fearful
(4:44 / All)  ǢƂŎ: who r u?
(4:46 / All)  ǢƂŎ: again?
(4:51 / All)  Fab: who are you?
(4:54 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i m fab
(5:18 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u?
(5:19 / All)  ǢƂŎ: who r u
(5:21 / All)  Fab: what do you do by the way
(5:30 / All)  Fab: low earner?
(5:32 / All)  ǢƂŎ: me? i play cryptlord all day
(5:34 / All)  ǢƂŎ: no change no brain
(5:44 / All)  Fab: mb a waiter
(5:50 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i play cl
(5:50 / All)  ǢƂŎ: dude
(6:44 / All)  ǢƂŎ: who r u boy
(12:48 / All)  Fab:
(12:52 / All)  Fab: such a gay noob
(13:37 / All)  ǢƂŎ: do u micro or not
(13:52 / All)  Fab: you got the best location yet so poo
(13:54 / All)  Fab: r
(13:58 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i am eating and playing
(14:03 / All)  ǢƂŎ: not even rushing u anymore lol
(14:05 / All)  ǢƂŎ: and u still play like this
(14:07 / All)  ǢƂŎ: sigh...
(14:15 / All)  Fab: why so stupid
(14:20 / All)  Fab: why your iq is so low?
(14:30 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i m fab
(14:31 / All)  ǢƂŎ: that's why
(15:06 / All)  ǢƂŎ: who r u again?
(15:07 / All)  ǢƂŎ: xD
(15:16 / All)  Fab: ur daddy
(15:20 / All)  ǢƂŎ: Fab's daddy?
(15:21 / All)  Fab: gg purp
(15:27 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lol rushed me then say gg?
(15:35 / All)  Fab: you sucked my dick yesterday loser you rememer?
(15:39 / All)  Fab: you low life scum
(15:40 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lol rly?
(15:41 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i m fab
(15:43 / All)  ǢƂŎ: fab has dick?
(15:49 / All)  Fab: low earning youtube noob haha
(15:54 / All)  ǢƂŎ: dude tilted again?
(15:56 / All)  Fab: how are you struggling with life?
(16:01 / All)  Fab: low earnning noob
(16:07 / All)  Fab: gg purp
(16:10 / All)  Fab has left the game
(16:12 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lol
(16:15 / All)  ǢƂŎ: he is always like this
(18:04 / All)  ǢƂŎ: !mute #
(18:05 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Command 'mute' matched multiple players (BiG#22474, ǢƂŎ#1451, Mesharek#2565) for input '#'
(18:05 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Unknown command 'mute #'
(20:29 / All)  BiG has left the game
(27:52 / All)  Mesharek has left the game