
« 4vs4 they doesnt wanna die



Uploaded 2022-03-12 11:31:05

Game version 1.32.10

46:05 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)GoldRush

Saved by xzz
Team 0 Winner!
CreatinJunky :
47 APM | 1 towers | 🧻
xzz (96) :
59 APM | 15 towers | 🗣️
Romanski :
45 APM | 22 towers | 0.7k sources fed | 🧻
Biep :
22 APM
Team 1 Loser!
h3455 :
51 APM | 12 towers | 🗑️ | 🧻
Poochie :
GoM :
92 APM | 3 towers | 👑
StePleR :
35 APM | 33 towers | 1.4k sources fed


(0:14 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: rifles sorc
(0:38 / Allies)  Biep: mass go?/
(0:40 / Allies)  Biep: 2-2
(0:43 / Allies)  Biep: 30 foof all
(0:45 / Allies)  Romanski: first 2 exe
(0:49 / Allies)  Biep: k
(3:47 / Allies)  Biep: rdy all?
(3:51 / Allies)  Biep: meet go
(3:52 / Allies)  Biep: 2-2
(4:00 / Allies)  Romanski: exe first
(4:06 / Allies)  Biep: if rdy
(4:06 / Allies)  Biep: go
(4:28 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: kk
(5:02 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: orange
(5:06 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: lets go hit all their expos
(5:14 / Allies)  Biep: yel
(5:16 / Allies)  Romanski: grey
(5:16 / Allies)  Biep: come after creep
(5:18 / Allies)  Romanski: take exe!!!
(5:19 / Allies)  Romanski: omg
(5:29 / Allies)  Biep: k come
(5:35 / Allies)  xzz: ok
(6:23 / Allies)  Romanski: go
(6:31 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: expos
(6:38 / Allies)  Romanski: b grey then
(6:53 / Allies)  Romanski: b
(8:22 / Allies)  Biep: rego
(8:24 / Allies)  Biep: he lost all
(8:32 / Allies)  Biep: weak
(8:45 / Allies)  Biep: yel come
(9:14 / Allies)  Biep: 4 here
(9:15 / Allies)  Biep: lol
(9:17 / Allies)  xzz: I come
(10:16 / Allies)  Biep: gpogogo
(10:43 / Allies)  xzz: u dont have shop
(12:34 / Allies)  xzz: make shop for the love of GOD
(13:42 / Allies)  Biep: k go
(13:43 / Allies)  Biep: hu
(14:17 / Allies)  Biep: 4
(14:25 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: its not 4
(14:28 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: blue isnt there again
(15:40 / All)  Romanski: pls leave
(16:53 / Allies)  Romanski: tp
(16:53 / Allies)  Romanski: all
(18:40 / Allies)  Romanski: wood ?
(18:54 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: need it sorry
(18:59 / Allies)  Romanski: ty
(19:11 / All)  Biep: l0L
(19:28 / All)  xzz: ez
(22:53 / All)  xzz: haha
(22:55 / All)  xzz: fuck u
(22:57 / All)  Biep: 9
(23:43 / All)  Romanski: leave naps
(25:02 / All)  Poochie has left the game
(25:45 / All)  GoM: why me first ?
(26:13 / All)  GoM: :)
(26:46 / All)  GoM: light blue did share then went afk
(28:35 / Allies)  CreatinJunky: making a coiuple hawks
(30:42 / All)  xzz: fuck u orc
(33:07 / Allies)  Biep: yy
(33:17 / Allies)  Biep: L0l
(33:18 / All)  Biep: l0l
(34:04 / All)  Biep: 8
(35:03 / All)  xzz: bye
(35:14 / All)  GoM: i give u a lvl up
(35:22 / All)  xzz: I played with you before
(35:24 / All)  xzz: I beleive
(35:25 / All)  GoM: for let me remake my hero
(35:31 / All)  GoM: ah mb
(35:31 / All)  xzz: hehehe
(35:35 / All)  xzz: you noticed ?
(35:39 / All)  GoM: ofc
(35:43 / All)  xzz: I didnt killed the hero build so you could remake
(35:50 / All)  GoM: yes
(35:51 / All)  xzz: nice gam
(35:53 / All)  xzz: e
(35:58 / All)  GoM: i saw i said ":)"
(36:21 / All)  xzz: hehe that was a detail no everybody would notice
(36:39 / All)  GoM has left the game
(36:48 / Allies)  xzz: happer him
(37:06 / All)  xzz: xD
(37:15 / All)  xzz: sorry human
(37:31 / All)  xzz: Where are they
(37:40 / All)  Romanski: leave two fucker
(37:53 / All)  StePleR: nice)))
(40:20 / All)  CreatinJunky has left the game
(40:20 / All)  h3455 has left the game
(40:20 / All)  StePleR has left the game