
ยซ hermit28



Uploaded 2022-01-07 20:16:02

Game version 1.32.10

90:40 long 1on8 custom game on twrpgv0.59a_eng

Game name "pig"

Saved by Baidinran
Team 0 Loser?
BobSlop :
272 APM | ๐Ÿ‘‘
SadneZzZ :
157 APM | ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
Baidinran :
111 APM
Matty :
239 APM
NeverLucky :
185 APM
Burbs :
214 APM
Gangnam :
203 APM
Uguu :
102 APM
Team 1 Loser?
Computer (36) :
0 APM | ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ


(0:03 / Allies)  Gangnam: -angle 75
(0:03 / Allies)  Gangnam: -convert Gangnam#2611
(0:04 / Allies)  Gangnam: -load Euqb4ZXjlLxflhkYwCvDLFn@r$M2f0@pl4u1d
(0:04 / Allies)  Gangnam: -load bsNsi8lrD$ciSTPrxljqgzW@iS8aN$UNGlD2eDE6gTAasA$UjiwkD488LPzum5E?Sa$B86dSOSeWNVd#Unyy6hiQOPn@879f1e#sZahSo%%QBomB
(0:04 / Allies)  Gangnam: -refresh
(0:05 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -load vqbv4@G#VQYbPFh8hdBY3sVmxh9002$UARDTh
(0:05 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -load g47EXB6llF3s2Vw&r$7e#Qg1g@rYFzCrTB4#&d%1RC3g&R2lsFc#@#lkhh1CRn60gpXcdw2aBQ?hFS@QaqCdC?QDR?&9xW%61n#KkrjzalhTlt
(0:05 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -refresh
(0:06 / Allies)  Uguu: -convert Uguu#11521
(0:06 / Allies)  Uguu: -load L9rlaS7A8%LR24Y3dsljUg1iXKyb$f3R50
(0:06 / Allies)  Uguu: -load GCe42c7hPq?uC8$mhvxhegt9csgS4X3Vl1@tHi%aDt7Q&qkZTfdK2w&qGKDSwAj#fULLseQFauSZvhCsm1QqxGL5e4bVDyCgh@nkXRUPlLoEKE
(0:06 / Allies)  Uguu: -refresh
(0:07 / Allies)  BobSlop: -angle 25
(0:07 / Allies)  BobSlop: -load c5gm768Q@SjoF@x@wT%ikQt50b6?DjzX2t
(0:07 / Allies)  BobSlop: -load ihR64d?YzZBxWWdA?qHmPrK8l6sX3lLTdzLQQYH43QM6&UZP87MUSLD#v%9aBj$wYsZNHXyg$N4xsK$dmj4$oKgzDPO6PZxn3uGk5WyH%LR
(0:07 / Allies)  BobSlop: -refresh
(0:24 / Allies)  Matty: -convert Matty#12550
(0:24 / Allies)  Matty: -load s5p5%oC#E6DfB#nc3e01qBT%amovnUn1H6
(0:24 / Allies)  Matty: -load QCB35TUFdNSPDKZOo72ubd0Q6PxEEkeY2yalVK91chLsSi?KWv%kpg64dMZY1fPLxPWsY%clCoa2QuqgxqXQf0?8ZZ#iqGT5UiQSNmnWWR1f6x6P
(0:24 / Allies)  Matty: -refresh
(2:34 / Allies)  Matty: gona be finished soon pepoevil
(2:40 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -load zxe68Cku0lP2fATeC5FD5cpbGa6UL5jZjk
(2:45 / Allies)  Baidinran: -load @q$oqUMZvD5e&vnk7TB3lpHEYuQo3u8nsfe
(2:46 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -load 6xB2mxlPB8xBfpP%GEuCknhNA3L6cj$zwLjkpKQoiPu6ZHrunkqYA14tsnhNBHhjY@4by09orkq3kTv%wQFtPEtz0$MYVUPfOcXoQ7lDD1n4P4s
(2:52 / Allies)  Baidinran: -load rvcEWVNd1xm30w?e0&hFG@O5keKcWdg??svk1bkKpr5FCBuDEXxKNrve@wEb6zKWNi&9Kiw2BRBoLlmod9wwNc@xU#8EYp6Y7PGY82aDg
(3:00 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: gym closed again
(3:03 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: im tilteroni
(3:42 / Allies)  Burbs: -convert Burbs#1660
(3:43 / Allies)  Burbs: -load a2tRnH2i$#qU&Q7itOXqe8gYs07&fzA8m6wd0$sVvl6cslTHFj6mQwLt2g%HkvXVTUPQhKn3WX#VhKxe1R7Z2PFThbO&%YNRpro0FZ2Qs3mvF&jc6Am
(3:43 / Allies)  Burbs: -refresh
(4:17 / Allies)  Uguu: -recipe ring of destruction
(4:44 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: tbc leveling
(4:46 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: lets login
(5:00 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: dodging rocks too difficult for hans
(5:11 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: bob would sit in front of him to tank them
(5:13 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: with his cd
(7:10 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -roll
(8:32 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: BOB
(9:04 / Allies)  Baidinran: nobody needs dragon loot
(9:05 / Allies)  Baidinran: peepospit
(14:37 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: sick loot
(14:37 / Allies)  Gangnam: -recall
(14:38 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -recall
(14:39 / Allies)  Burbs: -recall
(14:40 / Allies)  BobSlop: -recall
(14:41 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -recall
(15:39 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: inside cave bob
(16:21 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: aight baid did it
(17:53 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -fog
(17:55 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -fog
(20:08 / Allies)  Uguu: -recipe staff of souls
(20:30 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: dragon eye
(21:46 / Allies)  Baidinran: wtf
(21:48 / Allies)  Baidinran: f
(22:49 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: degen out his butthole
(25:23 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: die
(25:27 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: please
(27:31 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: i type .kill
(27:43 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: .kill
(27:55 / Allies)  Matty: soon tm
(30:35 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: fuk this game
(32:28 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: please SK
(33:12 / Allies)  Matty: body blocked sadge
(33:51 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: 1 melee dps thats 30% of the dps
(33:59 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: he is
(34:04 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: ok
(34:06 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: xXD
(36:21 / Allies)  Uguu: -recall
(36:21 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -recall
(36:24 / Allies)  Baidinran: -recall
(36:25 / Allies)  Matty: -recall
(40:12 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -save sh
(40:16 / Allies)  Matty: -save cr
(43:15 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: its useles odang
(48:02 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -recipe purified water of nature
(48:34 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: i was checking how many i need
(48:36 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: need 21
(48:38 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: 2*
(48:40 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: for bow
(51:01 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: i need oblivion orb from SK to craft
(51:04 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: running out of space
(51:21 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: already did
(51:24 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: only tier 2
(53:44 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: matty has next tier weapon
(53:46 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: hello
(53:47 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: before us
(53:59 / Allies)  Baidinran: -recipe death scythe
(54:06 / Allies)  Matty: fuck
(54:12 / Allies)  Baidinran: it's an sk drop
(54:25 / Allies)  Baidinran: death scythe + claws of destruction
(54:46 / Allies)  Matty: animation locked
(54:50 / Allies)  Matty: did my ult
(55:52 / Allies)  Matty: -save cr
(58:16 / Allies)  Burbs: -recipe griseus, the sword of protection
(58:23 / Allies)  Matty: -recipe griseus, the sword of protection
(58:25 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: fu lil bitchges
(62:22 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: lil
(62:29 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: smiles
(62:31 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: :)
(62:35 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: etupL
(62:51 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: after 12 hours
(62:55 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: my brain is fried
(62:57 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: from these bosses
(67:05 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: i blame bob
(67:18 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: hahaha
(67:31 / Allies)  Burbs: -recall
(67:35 / Allies)  Burbs: .die
(68:04 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: that fucking ministun
(68:27 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: kap
(70:13 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -save sh
(70:24 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: what was it
(70:37 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: steel nuts
(73:26 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: xd
(73:40 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: idk how u didnt die
(73:53 / Allies)  Matty: -save cr
(74:02 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: sure bob
(74:18 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: we have been on hopium for hours
(76:38 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: unlucky every time
(80:03 / Allies)  Matty: -save cr
(80:10 / Allies)  Burbs: slow
(81:52 / Allies)  Baidinran: -angle 1
(81:58 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -angle 1
(82:02 / Allies)  Burbs: -angle 1
(82:04 / Allies)  Baidinran: -angle 15
(82:06 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -angle 2
(82:09 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -angle 15
(82:12 / Allies)  Uguu: -angle 28
(82:13 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -angle 24
(82:16 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -angle 30
(82:17 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -angle 90
(82:19 / Allies)  Uguu: -angle 30
(82:21 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -angle 1
(82:26 / Allies)  BobSlop: -angle 1
(82:31 / Allies)  Baidinran: -cam 300
(82:35 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -angle 40
(82:37 / Allies)  BobSlop: -cam 300
(82:38 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -angle 35
(82:41 / Allies)  Gangnam: -angle 1
(82:43 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -cam 300
(82:44 / Allies)  BobSlop: -angle 10
(82:45 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -angle 30
(82:46 / Allies)  Gangnam: -angle 76
(82:46 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -cam 30
(82:50 / Allies)  BobSlop: -angle 20
(82:52 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -angle 30
(82:54 / Allies)  Gangnam: -angle 73
(82:56 / Allies)  BobSlop: -angle 30
(83:00 / Allies)  BobSlop: -angle 20
(83:00 / Allies)  Uguu: -angle 73
(83:00 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: zoom in
(83:01 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: max
(83:05 / Allies)  Gangnam: -angle 20
(83:05 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: play wow
(84:24 / Allies)  Uguu: -save shrine
(84:27 / Allies)  Uguu: -save shrine1
(84:32 / Allies)  Uguu: -angle 1
(84:37 / Allies)  Uguu: -refresh
(85:56 / All)  Uguu has left the game
(86:18 / Allies)  Burbs: -angle 24
(86:26 / Allies)  Baidinran: -angle 24
(86:31 / Allies)  Baidinran: -angle 5
(86:34 / Allies)  Baidinran: -angle 10
(86:37 / Allies)  Baidinran: -angle 15
(86:47 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: bob
(86:55 / Allies)  Matty: -rs
(87:05 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: i blame whoevery didnt heal bob
(89:35 / Allies)  Burbs: -save bm
(89:45 / All)  Burbs has left the game
(89:52 / Allies)  Gangnam: -save herm
(89:58 / Allies)  NeverLucky: -save sh
(90:00 / Allies)  SadneZzZ: -save sniper2
(90:02 / All)  BobSlop has left the game
(90:04 / Allies)  Matty: -save cr
(90:04 / All)  SadneZzZ has left the game
(90:10 / All)  Gangnam has left the game
(90:17 / All)  Matty has left the game
(90:29 / Allies)  Baidinran: -save hermit28
(90:40 / All)  Baidinran has left the game