
« Team kill after almost win



Uploaded 2021-10-15 21:19:24

Game version 1.32.10

40:29 long 3on3 ladder game on (6)Guardians

Saved by xzz
Team 0 Loser?
xzz (96) :
58 APM | 46 towers | 🗑️
CapnCaveman (2) :
184 APM | 3 towers | 9.7k sources fed | 👑 | 🗣️
Smoke :
113 APM
Team 1 Loser?
Ezaas :
36 APM | 5 towers
TitonThom :
67 APM | 0.3k sources fed |
윤규 (3) :
109 APM | 6 towers


(9:03 / Allies)  xzz: wood
(9:14 / Allies)  CapnCaveman: getting a shredder
(10:58 / Allies)  Smoke: wood?
(11:08 / Allies)  Smoke: 100 pls
(11:10 / Allies)  Smoke: wood
(13:58 / Allies)  Smoke: xdd
(15:26 / Allies)  Smoke: c
(15:28 / Allies)  Smoke: go
(15:29 / Allies)  Smoke: go
(15:32 / Allies)  CapnCaveman: need tp first
(16:11 / Allies)  Smoke: gogogogogogog
(20:10 / All)  TitonThom has left the game
(20:42 / All)  윤규 has left the game
(21:02 / All)  xzz: ez
(22:59 / All)  xzz: ez
(23:13 / All)  xzz: dont quit I will team kill them
(23:14 / All)  Ezaas: lol
(24:14 / Allies)  Smoke: omg
(24:15 / Allies)  Smoke: go
(24:20 / All)  Ezaas: easy
(24:22 / All)  Ezaas: ...
(24:31 / All)  CapnCaveman: fucking dick
(24:58 / All)  Ezaas: good
(25:14 / All)  xzz: Resist
(26:02 / All)  xzz: Resist
(26:27 / All)  Smoke has left the game
(29:15 / All)  xzz: Im team killing relax
(29:20 / All)  xzz: this guy insulted me some time ago
(29:30 / All)  Ezaas: you good boy
(29:46 / Allies)  xzz: fuck u haha
(31:53 / Allies)  xzz: you remember me ?
(32:07 / Allies)  xzz: you insulted me
(32:10 / All)  CapnCaveman: fuck you
(32:21 / All)  Ezaas: lol
(32:24 / All)  Ezaas: die
(32:28 / All)  Ezaas: hard
(32:29 / All)  CapnCaveman: bettter pray i never see you on my team again
(32:37 / All)  CapnCaveman: EVER, motherfucker
(32:49 / All)  Ezaas: lol
(32:58 / All)  Ezaas: you fucking noob anyway
(33:06 / All)  CapnCaveman: i will self destruct every game you are on my team from thsi point forward
(33:13 / All)  xzz: you started
(33:16 / All)  Ezaas: whatever
(33:18 / All)  CapnCaveman: don't believe me, just watch
(33:19 / All)  xzz: I did towers and you blamed me
(33:21 / All)  Ezaas: gg noobies
(33:30 / All)  xzz: noobies ? you loosed :)
(33:30 / All)  CapnCaveman: yeah, lost because of your stupid ass
(33:39 / All)  xzz: next time dont blame me
(33:43 / All)  Ezaas: you stupid
(33:45 / All)  CapnCaveman: you teched and towered then bitched that no one helpe you becuase you had no army
(33:49 / All)  CapnCaveman: cried like a lil bitch
(33:52 / All)  xzz: its my tactic
(33:56 / All)  xzz: I didnt cried
(34:07 / Allies)  CapnCaveman: you whined, pissed, and moaned like a fucking baby
(34:13 / All)  xzz: like u now
(34:23 / All)  CapnCaveman: im just telling you what is going to happen from this point forward
(34:33 / All)  CapnCaveman: get on a team with me again, let's see how that ends
(34:59 / All)  CapnCaveman: I will throw every fucking game
(35:05 / Allies)  CapnCaveman: from this point forward
(35:15 / All)  CapnCaveman: don't believe me, just watch
(35:59 / All)  CapnCaveman: but i will leave you with a parting gift
(36:35 / All)  Ezaas: fucking babies
(36:49 / All)  CapnCaveman: i just gave him 3k gold and 3k wood, good luck with that
(36:53 / All)  xzz: ty
(37:00 / All)  Ezaas: easy
(37:29 / All)  CapnCaveman: i didn't say I would throw this game, lol
(37:59 / Allies)  xzz: if you dont tk I let you control
(38:48 / All)  Ezaas: good luck
(40:12 / All)  CapnCaveman has left the game