
« wait how did i just win that



Uploaded 2021-08-03 06:40:02

Game version 1.32.10

1:59 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)TwilightRuins_LV

Saved by Teelo
Team 0 Winner!
Bloodyg (4) :
15 APM | 🗑️ | 🗣️
Teelo (78) :
43 APM
mrPresident (2) :
47 APM
liivan :
38 APM
Team 1 Loser!
Gods :
260 APM
Omnideus :
270 APM | 👑
J3RRY18 (2) :
29 APM
Xraided (2) :
23 APM


(0:02 / Allies)  Teelo: hey green
(0:03 / Allies)  Teelo: hows it going man
(0:08 / Allies)  Bloodyg: teelo
(0:14 / Allies)  Bloodyg: do you know why you garbage???
(0:16 / Allies)  Teelo: nice to see you again
(0:25 / Allies)  Teelo: probably something to do with your toxicity?
(0:25 / All)  mrPresident has left the game
(0:33 / Allies)  Bloodyg: you were ud the otehr game
(0:35 / All)  liivan has left the game
(0:37 / Allies)  Bloodyg: you UPGRDED uyor tower.
(0:48 / Allies)  Bloodyg: and NO ONE can make a hero for 4 more minutes
(0:53 / Allies)  Bloodyg: yet. yo uUPGRADERD your first towre
(0:59 / Allies)  Bloodyg: FUCK YOU scrub
(1:04 / Allies)  Teelo: learn to english
(1:05 / Allies)  Bloodyg: do you think i dont know this???
(1:10 / Allies)  Teelo: can i get a translation from idiot to english please
(1:25 / All)  Omnideus has left the game
(1:26 / Allies)  Bloodyg: you UPGRADED your FIRST zig to a tower. BEFORE ANYONE can even make a hero for 5 minutes
(1:27 / All)  Gods has left the game
(1:34 / All)  J3RRY18 has left the game
(1:36 / Allies)  Bloodyg: learn TIMING fool
(1:38 / Allies)  Teelo: you cant take NEUTRAL heroes for 5 minutes
(1:45 / Allies)  Teelo: you can get an AM out as early as 90 seconds
(1:46 / Allies)  Teelo: learn to play
(1:52 / Allies)  Bloodyg: but you UPGRADED UR first TOWR
(1:52 / All)  Xraided: gg dud! treebeard op
(1:54 / Allies)  Teelo: always get a tower up asap or get AM / BM harassed
(1:55 / Allies)  Teelo: moron
(1:57 / All)  Xraided has left the game