
« mananana



Uploaded 2021-05-28 02:38:21

Game version 1.32.10

45:47 long 4on5 custom game on Enfo FFB - v2.12 BETA 10

Game name "enfos"

Saved by untrue
Team 0 Loser?
untrue :
63 APM | 🗣️
Cafn :
38 APM
fortydays :
42 APM
FunkyMonk :
102 APM
Team 1 Winner?
Computer (36) :
0 APM | 🗑️
FallenAngel :
41 APM
ChillOutSeif :
25 APM | 18.6k sources fed
WhiteKgnith :
108 APM | 👑
OPlUrza :
23 APM


(0:08 / Allies)  fortydays: -tips
(1:52 / Allies)  untrue: -tips
(1:52 / Allies)  untrue: -c
(1:56 / Allies)  Cafn: tips
(1:57 / Allies)  Cafn: -tips
(1:58 / Allies)  Cafn: -clear
(7:02 / Allies)  Cafn: invis
(7:06 / Allies)  Cafn: care
(12:02 / Allies)  untrue: well
(12:04 / Allies)  untrue: this is a disaaster
(12:05 / Allies)  Cafn: teal
(12:07 / Allies)  Cafn: focus bosses
(12:25 / Allies)  untrue: use summons
(13:31 / All)  WhiteKgnith: don't leave
(13:36 / All)  WhiteKgnith: we can rmk without leave
(13:51 / Allies)  untrue: if only this ranger used her arrow
(13:51 / All)  WhiteKgnith: stay
(13:52 / Allies)  untrue: on bosses
(13:53 / Allies)  untrue: would be so easy
(13:57 / All)  WhiteKgnith: wp guys
(16:06 / Allies)  fortydays: how do you even get 30 potions
(16:08 / Allies)  fortydays: at start
(16:11 / Allies)  untrue: by randoming
(17:13 / All)  WhiteKgnith: do you know the useless thing you have done? such a waste of mana
(18:29 / Allies)  untrue: come kill gnoll
(18:36 / Allies)  untrue: or
(18:37 / Allies)  untrue: boar i mean
(23:55 / All)  WhiteKgnith: ?¿
(25:17 / All)  FallenAngel has left the game
(27:19 / All)  WhiteKgnith: xdddddddd
(27:28 / All)  WhiteKgnith: blue what i have done
(27:35 / All)  Cafn: :D
(33:34 / Allies)  untrue: attack speed does nothing on your char teal
(34:33 / Allies)  FunkyMonk: yeah, but trueshot works doesn't it?
(34:49 / Allies)  untrue: nope
(35:01 / Allies)  untrue: ur dmg comes from a spell
(36:35 / Allies)  untrue: and here comes the lag
(36:37 / Allies)  untrue: and here comes the lag
(36:52 / Allies)  untrue: was nice knowing you
(38:47 / Allies)  fortydays: im way too squishy
(38:50 / Allies)  fortydays: to do anything
(39:19 / All)  OPlUrza: performance is awesome ^^
(39:59 / All)  OPlUrza: who will suriveve the lag
(39:59 / Allies)  fortydays: jesus whats even causing this
(40:17 / Allies)  untrue: haunted ranger
(40:22 / Allies)  untrue: haunted ranger
(40:26 / All)  Cafn: god, that makes no sense
(40:29 / Allies)  untrue: only happens when shes in the game
(40:36 / All)  WhiteKgnith: don't play at this version anymore please
(40:42 / All)  untrue: happens on all versions
(40:51 / All)  untrue: when haunted ranger's in the game
(41:15 / Allies)  fortydays: where to get wood
(41:19 / Allies)  fortydays: exchange?
(42:34 / Allies)  fortydays: yooo how to get wood
(42:39 / Allies)  fortydays: i need it for this item
(42:46 / Allies)  fortydays: ok
(45:40 / All)  ChillOutSeif has left the game
(45:41 / All)  WhiteKgnith: wp
(45:42 / All)  Cafn: cheers guys
(45:44 / All)  OPlUrza has left the game
(45:46 / All)  Cafn has left the game
(45:47 / All)  fortydays has left the game
(45:47 / All)  untrue has left the game