
« Quadbox B.net 4v4 cubing



Uploaded 2020-11-29 04:16:10

Game version 1.32.9

51:50 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)GolemsInTheMist_LV

Saved by AskeLange
Team 0 Loser?
DudeWhy (233) :
60 APM | 80 towers | 4.7k sources fed
GIGA (206) :
70 APM | 30 towers
Cabeelibob (189) :
48 APM | 6 towers | 6.9k sources fed
whitnasty (6) :
29 APM | 69 towers
Team 1 Winner?
AskeLange (10) :
125 APM | 13 towers | 7.5k sources fed | 👑
golem :
118 APM | 1 towers | 🗣️
ISuk (2) :
45 APM | 26 towers
KingOfTheSWC :
39 APM | 7 towers | 🗑️


(0:40 / Allies)  AskeLange: hi
(0:43 / Allies)  AskeLange: will you take this green?
(0:53 / Allies)  ISuk: Yes
(0:58 / Allies)  AskeLange: ok
(1:01 / Allies)  AskeLange: i take this
(1:23 / Allies)  ISuk: melee for me
(1:27 / Allies)  AskeLange: ok
(1:31 / Allies)  AskeLange: rifle priest mortar here
(8:44 / Allies)  ISuk: u get items
(8:58 / Allies)  AskeLange: i have dust
(9:48 / Allies)  golem: look like thayheva mh
(11:15 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: wtf is their strategy?
(12:51 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: wood?
(13:06 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: ty
(13:16 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: i guess they'll mass tanks
(14:36 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: whu
(14:39 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: why u stiiting around
(15:34 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: GOOO
(17:00 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: YEAH
(17:08 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: let's readjust the strategy please
(17:24 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: no rush
(17:53 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: lets regroup and hit when we can overcome their aa
(18:14 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: like i said
(18:16 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: lets regroup
(18:20 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: dont die now
(18:26 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: and i'll mass hips
(18:30 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: arrchaers
(18:45 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: expo
(19:10 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: dudes
(19:16 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: why are u committing suicide
(19:20 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: can we regroup wtf
(19:25 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: out
(21:49 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: they are doing a siege strategy
(22:37 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: nj grey
(23:33 / Allies)  golem: guys
(23:35 / Allies)  golem: go tank
(23:42 / Allies)  AskeLange: ok
(24:00 / Allies)  golem: tank is good against
(24:02 / Allies)  golem: air units
(24:25 / Allies)  AskeLange: the police
(24:41 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: wait.. lol
(24:46 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: dont wanna lose everythihg
(24:55 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: wood?
(25:27 / Allies)  golem: mg
(25:51 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: wood
(26:25 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: that didnt work fuck..
(26:38 / Allies)  golem: bat
(26:49 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: ok no more air..
(26:54 / Allies)  golem: go tyanbk
(26:58 / Allies)  golem: tank is good against air
(27:00 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: they gonna run out of gold
(27:26 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: ill get giants.. dryads i guess
(27:49 / Allies)  golem: go
(28:10 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: missed the hero..
(28:27 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: just wait it out they have no gold...
(29:04 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: fuck stop
(29:06 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: hahahah
(29:10 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: we need to conserve lol
(29:16 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: othwerwise they will dota us
(29:25 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: why are yu dying dudes
(29:52 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: getting giants..
(29:56 / Allies)  golem: olg plz
(30:05 / Allies)  golem: ty
(30:17 / Allies)  golem: guys
(30:20 / Allies)  golem: stop suiciding
(30:28 / Allies)  golem: ur units inb 1000000 towers
(30:41 / Allies)  golem: tey will rules out gold
(30:43 / Allies)  golem: and we wil win
(30:50 / Allies)  golem: just don't watse gole
(30:52 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: thats what i said
(30:58 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: just mass there
(31:04 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: when they try to hit
(31:10 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: we czan take out mortars
(31:22 / Allies)  golem: guys go max
(31:52 / Allies)  golem: use ur hero
(31:53 / Allies)  golem: spell
(31:56 / Allies)  golem: fire
(31:58 / Allies)  golem: and kill towers
(32:02 / Allies)  golem: we will wi liek taht
(32:03 / Allies)  AskeLange: doing all the time
(32:06 / Allies)  golem: yes
(33:21 / All)  ISuk has left the game
(34:19 / Allies)  golem: i don't know
(34:21 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: he got 3k..
(34:23 / Allies)  golem: why u guys suicide
(34:38 / Allies)  golem: they have no more gold
(34:44 / Allies)  golem: but u guy ssuicide all
(35:00 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: haha control green
(35:02 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: if u can win
(36:46 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: green has 4k gold is anyone controlling?
(36:59 / Allies)  golem: i try control
(37:31 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: grey has 2k + gold
(37:35 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: what are you making?
(37:53 / Allies)  AskeLange: just 2x 100/100 tanks?
(38:06 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: yeah fuck them
(38:06 / Allies)  AskeLange: i have 2500
(38:08 / Allies)  AskeLange: can break upkeep
(38:13 / Allies)  AskeLange: ok go 100/100 tanks
(38:35 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: ill eat the back
(38:41 / Allies)  AskeLange: go here
(39:06 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: ok
(41:55 / Allies)  golem: guys
(42:09 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: shit can i get gold for hero
(42:18 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: thx
(42:58 / Allies)  AskeLange: ok r
(43:18 / Allies)  golem: let me contro achi plz
(44:33 / Allies)  golem: go chim plz
(44:35 / Allies)  golem: we need chim
(44:42 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: me i hav no gold tho
(44:46 / Allies)  AskeLange: yeah all out
(44:51 / Allies)  AskeLange: only green has gold
(45:54 / Allies)  golem: use ur fire spell
(46:17 / Allies)  golem: king
(46:21 / Allies)  golem: u didn't play ?
(46:57 / Allies)  golem: this elf
(47:00 / Allies)  golem: didn't play
(47:09 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: wat its a weird strategy
(47:18 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: wat u
(47:22 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: doing?
(47:26 / Allies)  golem: u guys play safe
(47:27 / Allies)  golem: we win
(47:33 / Allies)  golem: u guys suicide all ur army in towers
(47:37 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: GREEN HAS 5K
(47:41 / Allies)  golem: their strat is not good
(47:48 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: just control him and u got
(47:51 / Allies)  golem: but u guys die all units in towers 5 or 6 time
(48:04 / Allies)  golem: we lose the game cause taht
(48:17 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: i was the one calling for conservatibv
(48:21 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: knew they do this shit
(48:23 / Allies)  golem: u are the 1
(48:24 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: come on
(48:26 / Allies)  golem: but the leaver
(48:30 / Allies)  golem: ruined the game
(48:35 / Allies)  golem: he suicide all his units
(48:41 / Allies)  golem: we had the game
(48:43 / Allies)  golem: easy
(48:46 / Allies)  golem: but u guys suicide all
(48:51 / Allies)  AskeLange: it's b.net who cares
(48:55 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: just make units with green man
(48:58 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: 5k..
(48:59 / Allies)  golem: u are idiots
(49:01 / Allies)  golem: u play to lose
(49:10 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: the critic takes no responsiblity
(49:11 / Allies)  AskeLange: it's not fun to play this
(49:11 / Allies)  KingOfTheSWC: wtf
(49:14 / Allies)  AskeLange: and no reason to
(49:15 / Allies)  golem: yes
(49:17 / Allies)  AskeLange: when there's no stats
(49:17 / Allies)  golem: cause so diiot
(49:18 / Allies)  AskeLange: on b.net
(49:22 / Allies)  golem: u gusy suicide
(49:29 / Allies)  golem: maybe u gusy are tired
(49:32 / Allies)  AskeLange: i cba tryharding for 6 hours against a no life cuber
(49:33 / All)  KingOfTheSWC has left the game
(49:36 / Allies)  AskeLange: there's nothing at stake
(49:43 / Allies)  AskeLange: just have fun man
(49:48 / All)  golem: u guys won this game. So tired
(49:48 / Allies)  AskeLange: it's not competitive, no ladder
(49:56 / All)  golem: units die in towers alone
(49:57 / All)  GIGA: you can still win!
(50:02 / All)  golem: no we can't now
(50:06 / All)  golem: we are so tired
(50:06 / All)  GIGA: oh
(50:14 / All)  golem: all units go die in ur towers alone
(50:20 / All)  golem: so tired
(50:26 / All)  GIGA: take a nap
(50:27 / All)  AskeLange: cubing ResidenSleeper
(50:39 / All)  golem: tired or guys want to leave the game
(50:43 / All)  AskeLange: u multiboxing?
(50:48 / All)  golem: we suicide all our units in ur towers
(50:53 / All)  golem: Maybe 1à times
(50:56 / All)  golem: 10*
(51:01 / All)  GIGA: 3 too mant times actually
(51:12 / All)  golem: we wait we will win. But the game will take 5 hours
(51:15 / All)  golem: lol
(51:16 / All)  AskeLange: how many players on your team?
(51:21 / All)  GIGA: 1
(51:24 / All)  DudeWhy: how could you possibly win by waiting
(51:26 / All)  GIGA: its just me
(51:32 / All)  AskeLange: kekw
(51:33 / All)  golem: u have not gold
(51:36 / All)  golem: we have adnatage
(51:42 / All)  AskeLange: 80$ for 4 hour games O_O
(51:42 / All)  golem: with heros
(51:43 / All)  GIGA: we have gold!
(51:45 / All)  AskeLange: whatever floats your boat man
(51:45 / All)  golem: no
(51:47 / All)  AskeLange: gg
(51:49 / All)  golem: u rules out gold