
« warlock_griefing



Uploaded 2020-06-29 18:39:20

Game version 1.32.6 / 1.32.7

11:08 long 4on4 custom game on (8)Northshire_LV

Game name "W3Champions-s1-20-25375"

Saved by Leluaami
Team 0 Loser!
Warlock (2) :
899 APM | 👑 |
Leluaami (2) :
68 APM | 1 towers | 1.4k sources fed
FpX (3) :
189 APM | 4 towers
Lado :
81 APM | 🗑️
Team 1 Winner!
Chanji :
138 APM | 1 towers
eld3r (3) :
55 APM | 0.4k sources fed
kolb :
60 APM
BobbyOG :
96 APM


(0:12 / Allies)  FpX: warlock mb build units
(0:20 / Allies)  Leluaami: ?
(0:42 / Allies)  Leluaami: xd
(0:53 / Allies)  Lado: thought it was far enough
(1:02 / All)  Warlock has paused the game
(1:02 / All)  Warlock has resumed the game
(1:02 / All)  Warlock has paused the game
(1:02 / All)  Warlock has resumed the game
(1:03 / All)  Warlock has paused the game
(1:03 / All)  Warlock has resumed the game
(1:04 / Allies)  Lado: that is pally rifle build
(1:05 / Allies)  Lado: its ok
(1:10 / Allies)  FpX: report
(1:19 / Allies)  FpX: warlock after
(1:25 / Allies)  Lado: how to disable ping?
(1:29 / Allies)  FpX: ,mute
(1:30 / Allies)  FpX: him
(1:32 / All)  Lado: guys how to disable ping?
(1:37 / Allies)  FpX: mute him
(1:40 / All)  eld3r: /ping
(1:41 / All)  kolb: tk warlock
(1:45 / All)  kolb: it will be better
(1:46 / All)  Chanji: how to mute this son of whore warlock ?
(1:49 / All)  Lado: meh w/e
(1:49 / All)  FpX: y
(1:50 / All)  Lado: gl guys
(1:51 / All)  FpX: mass report
(1:51 / Allies)  Leluaami: do /hideminimapsignals
(1:52 / All)  FpX: after
(1:54 / All)  Lado: this guy is an idiot
(1:54 / All)  Lado has left the game
(1:58 / All)  Warlock has left the game
(2:00 / All)  FpX: xdf
(2:05 / All)  FpX: fucking tards everygam3e
(2:11 / Allies)  FpX: go rash mass
(2:12 / All)  Chanji: y
(2:15 / All)  kolb: +
(2:20 / Allies)  Leluaami: why did they leave?
(2:28 / All)  Chanji: but warlock
(2:31 / Allies)  FpX: stay
(2:32 / Allies)  FpX: just mass
(2:36 / All)  Chanji: is the biggest shit in this server
(2:37 / All)  Chanji: by far
(2:41 / All)  Chanji: with Pegade
(5:52 / Allies)  FpX: go soon>
(8:38 / Allies)  FpX: y g
(8:50 / Allies)  FpX: or stay
(8:54 / Allies)  Leluaami: idk
(8:58 / Allies)  FpX: share
(8:59 / Allies)  Leluaami: looks over for me
(10:17 / All)  Chanji: report warlock
(10:20 / All)  Chanji: all
(10:52 / All)  FpX has left the game
(11:06 / All)  Leluaami: gg...
(11:09 / All)  Leluaami has left the game