
« 1 guy literally did nothing



Uploaded 2020-05-27 22:55:13

Game version 1.32.4 / 1.32.5

13:53 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)GoldRush

Saved by Brunt
Team 0 Winner!
Brunt (8) :
100 APM | 👑
Sly :
78 APM | 3 towers
mignificent :
96 APM | 2 towers
7 APM | 8.1k sources fed | 🗑️ | 🗣️
Team 1 Loser!
Legend3994 :
77 APM | 2 towers
versace :
98 APM
MomOf4InNJ :
32 APM | 3 towers
DZA95 :
40 APM


(0:03 / Allies)  BARU: SLY
(0:07 / Allies)  BARU: le vrai sly?
(0:10 / Allies)  Sly: negative
(0:16 / Allies)  BARU: ok
(0:18 / Allies)  BARU: i afk gg
(0:19 / Allies)  Sly: xD
(0:21 / Allies)  Sly: bye
(0:34 / Allies)  BARU: didnt said i'll leave
(0:46 / Allies)  Sly: i can already tell you're a bitch
(0:49 / Allies)  Sly: virgin
(0:55 / Allies)  Brunt: backstabber or?
(0:59 / Allies)  BARU: yeye invent my life
(0:59 / Allies)  Sly: no idea
(1:02 / Allies)  BARU: with ur 2 cm dick
(1:04 / Allies)  BARU: u right
(1:06 / Allies)  Sly: forgot kids on wc3 are losers
(1:13 / Allies)  BARU: in 1V1
(1:16 / Allies)  Sly: no idea what he said to me so i said negative
(1:16 / Allies)  mignificent: lmao
(1:18 / Allies)  Sly: and he goes afk..
(1:18 / Allies)  BARU: i'm 300/200
(1:19 / Allies)  Sly: LOL ok bro
(1:24 / Allies)  BARU: i'l chilling here
(1:25 / Allies)  Sly: good for you virgin
(1:30 / Allies)  BARU: ok 2 cm
(1:50 / Allies)  BARU: i think beter to be virgin
(1:54 / Allies)  BARU: than a small dick
(1:56 / Allies)  BARU: but np 2 cm
(1:58 / Allies)  BARU: u right
(2:05 / Allies)  mignificent: clap clap clap gj baru
(2:17 / Allies)  BARU: can u clap ur mom
(2:21 / Allies)  BARU: useless dickhead
(2:21 / Allies)  mignificent: lmao
(2:22 / Allies)  Sly: lol
(2:31 / Allies)  mignificent: reeeee
(2:34 / Allies)  BARU: i never called u
(2:35 / Allies)  Sly: yep
(2:42 / Allies)  BARU: help ur useless friend
(2:45 / Allies)  BARU: to found pussy
(2:47 / Allies)  BARU: with his 2 cm
(2:50 / Allies)  BARU: thx
(3:09 / Allies)  mignificent: baru go have a shower with your dad while your afk
(3:24 / Allies)  BARU: no better seeing u dying
(3:35 / Allies)  BARU: more distrating
(3:37 / Allies)  Brunt: is this real life wtf
(3:46 / Allies)  mignificent: lol
(3:50 / Allies)  BARU: how can u talk about real life
(3:56 / Allies)  BARU: when u r playing in 0 am
(4:00 / Allies)  BARU: tell me more
(4:06 / Allies)  BARU: genius
(4:11 / Allies)  Brunt: what does that even mean
(4:15 / Allies)  mignificent: baru where are you from
(4:18 / Allies)  mignificent: how old are you
(4:21 / Allies)  BARU: wow
(4:26 / Allies)  BARU: i'm with full turkish
(4:30 / Allies)  BARU: and brain death gg
(4:31 / Allies)  Sly: no wonder
(4:34 / Allies)  BARU: my afk so worth
(4:35 / Allies)  mignificent: lmao
(4:43 / Allies)  Brunt: lol a turkey
(4:46 / Allies)  Sly: yep..
(4:49 / Allies)  BARU: talking about my english
(4:54 / Allies)  BARU: use ur fucking brain idk
(4:59 / Allies)  BARU: kill urself
(5:10 / Allies)  BARU: also good
(5:15 / Allies)  BARU: if u cant read me
(5:16 / Allies)  BARU: lmao
(5:22 / Allies)  BARU: using simply words
(5:26 / Allies)  BARU: u cant read it
(5:27 / Allies)  BARU: lmao
(5:30 / Allies)  BARU: fucking crap
(6:01 / All)  BARU: can u rush pls
(6:05 / All)  BARU: its freewin i dont play
(6:09 / All)  mignificent: BARU NO!
(6:16 / All)  BARU: orange is expanding behind his base
(6:18 / All)  versace: well thats no fun
(6:21 / All)  mignificent: BARUUUUUUU
(6:22 / All)  Sly: he mad
(6:23 / All)  BARU: do something pls
(6:23 / All)  Sly: LOL
(6:30 / All)  Brunt: yeah this whole game is kind of a sham
(6:38 / All)  mignificent: green is afk and shit talking
(6:41 / All)  BARU: i dont want to play with these scrubs
(6:42 / All)  versace: LOL
(6:47 / All)  mignificent: its the most entertaining broken english i've read in a while
(6:48 / All)  BARU: i cant its so hard
(6:52 / All)  mignificent: its why im still here
(6:59 / All)  mignificent: go kill him he's afk in base
(7:00 / All)  BARU: i'm 300 win 200 d in solo
(7:07 / All)  BARU: but i cant support these shits
(7:08 / All)  versace: so
(7:10 / All)  Sly: hes a virgin
(7:11 / All)  BARU: rush us pls
(7:11 / All)  Sly: dont listen to him
(7:12 / All)  mignificent: baruuuuuu so cute
(7:14 / All)  versace: solo nerds
(7:16 / All)  versace: classic
(7:31 / All)  mignificent: we all have 2 cm dicks and he is 300/200 solo
(7:34 / All)  BARU: i dont know why i should do efforts
(7:38 / All)  BARU: for these bastards
(7:42 / All)  BARU: but i'm seeking
(7:48 / All)  versace: solo players think they al have big dick
(7:56 / All)  BARU: hehe
(8:00 / All)  versace: ;)
(8:01 / All)  mignificent: he hates yellow for some reason
(8:03 / All)  BARU: but my dick is really not small
(8:06 / All)  BARU: i'm 23 cm
(8:10 / All)  versace: honeslty
(8:10 / All)  Brunt: queing 4v4 just to sandbag
(8:12 / All)  Sly: virgin talk
(8:12 / All)  Sly: LOL
(8:16 / All)  versace: id hate a MK first player too
(8:16 / All)  BARU: maybe ur mom
(8:19 / All)  mignificent: omg baru so nice
(8:20 / All)  BARU: have a 40 cm
(8:27 / All)  BARU: and i'm wrong atleast
(8:55 / All)  BARU: ok my dick is smaller than ur mom sry guy
(9:05 / All)  BARU: 40 vs 23 gg
(9:07 / All)  mignificent: baru pls
(9:14 / All)  mignificent: my feel :(
(9:16 / All)  BARU: u right
(9:38 / All)  mignificent: dont bring me mum into this
(9:50 / All)  BARU: i never did
(9:53 / All)  BARU: idiot
(9:59 / All)  BARU: read more closly
(10:03 / All)  mignificent: yes sir
(10:11 / All)  BARU: wtf ur sir
(10:15 / All)  BARU: fukking slve
(10:22 / All)  BARU: i dont even wish that
(10:28 / All)  BARU: just go loose
(11:00 / All)  BARU: lol they r so bad
(11:03 / All)  BARU: hahahaha
(11:06 / All)  mignificent: baru we are trying hard
(11:07 / All)  BARU: i'm sure i'll loose
(11:13 / All)  BARU: u will
(11:15 / All)  BARU: sorry
(11:32 / Allies)  BARU: np
(11:35 / All)  versace: not everyone is 300 winbs in solo like u baru
(11:38 / Allies)  BARU: i dont need to play
(11:54 / All)  BARU: hehe flame me more pls
(12:00 / All)  BARU: u cant win a 3V5
(12:09 / All)  BARU: or 5V3 i would mean
(12:33 / All)  mignificent: baru feeding me now lol
(12:34 / All)  BARU: come on go win
(12:43 / All)  BARU: its 5 V3 for u
(12:47 / All)  BARU: useless noob
(13:09 / All)  BARU: lol u are losing
(13:11 / All)  BARU: heheheh
(13:16 / All)  BARU: u made my day
(13:21 / All)  MomOf4InNJ has left the game
(13:25 / All)  Brunt: top 5 anime betrayals
(13:26 / All)  BARU: gg noobs
(13:28 / All)  versace has left the game
(13:29 / All)  BARU: i didnt played
(13:32 / All)  BARU: u know?
(13:43 / Allies)  BARU: HAHA
(13:45 / Allies)  BARU: so llol
(13:47 / Allies)  BARU: srsly
(13:48 / All)  DZA95 has left the game
(13:50 / Allies)  BARU: how it happend
(13:50 / Allies)  Sly: lmfao wtf
(13:51 / All)  Legend3994 has left the game