(16:54 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: thanks (17:17 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: you're an idiot (17:21 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: hurrican (17:22 / All) NUTSONYOCHIN.de: http://highper.ch/ search for nuggetoo and press it once. (17:24 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: xD (17:34 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: :( (17:35 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: a yes (17:46 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: please retard (17:53 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: retardeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell why do we eat towers (17:53 / All) NUTSONYOCHIN.de: how do u lose to a tower' (17:59 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: towernoob (18:06 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: towernoob (18:08 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: please play a game (18:12 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: called "death knight" (18:21 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: how do u lose to tanks so well? (18:34 / All) NUTSONYOCHIN.de: towernoob(lol) (21:31 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: towernoob(gggggggggg) (21:33 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: we never answered your door number (21:34 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: Please (21:38 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: Never (22:27 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: but towers were considered underage activities (22:33 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: so how did it get that way? (22:38 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: play td? (22:43 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: wow (22:45 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: or warden? (22:48 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: perhaps? (22:50 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: perhaps you were too slow to kill towers? (22:58 / All) MyLiege_Cyrus: the truth is (23:01 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: the truth is this: we invented dota (23:03 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: and we do it well (23:05 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: you just suck (23:14 / All) GoToYurup: dota is just some game (23:14 / All) GoToYurup: just some fun (23:17 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: tell us about battle.net (23:18 / All) GoToYurup: its a game u won battle.net is a game you LOSE (23:23 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: when we made dota (23:48 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: what happened to your warcraft (23:53 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: chicken (23:59 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: when you had fun with us (24:01 / All) GoToYurup: "battle.net" (24:04 / All) GoToYurup: lol (24:05 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: no thanks (24:07 / All) GoToYurup: about your coils DEREK (27:36 / All) GoToYurup: thats what i always say (27:46 / All) DOGSANDHORSE.RU: lol