(28:30 / All) NerotendoLXIV: and theres no honor cost (28:35 / All) NerotendoLXIV: the loss cells on my footies (28:45 / All) NerotendoLXIV: haven't been used yet (29:27 / All) NerotendoLXIV: work them on idiot still in use (29:36 / All) NerotendoLXIV: TYPE IN THE NUB (29:42 / All) mangafan1715: NUBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG (30:59 / All) BEAR_AND: RUN (31:01 / All) BEAR_AND: SHOOT (31:04 / All) BEAR_AND: NUBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG (31:10 / All) BEAR_AND: You lose (31:22 / All) Freak_Master: you sure (31:23 / All) Freak_Master: you dead (31:34 / All) Freak_Master: how red (31:35 / All) Freak_Master: doing? (31:46 / All) BEAR_AND: QUIT (32:04 / All) Freak_Master: you would have no shit (32:44 / All) BEAR_AND: YOu PLAYING BAD (32:51 / All) BEAR_AND: THAT YOU're bad (36:05 / All) bLinn: quit you noob (32:56 / All) bLinn: bye (32:57 / All) bLinn: hope you enjoy losing this fast (32:58 / All) bLinn: <3 (35:07 / All) BEAR_AND: ty (35:21 / All) bLinn: np. this is only my ska so i dont.me (35:24 / All) BEAR_AND: what are you calling for strop ? (35:34 / All) Mata.: go find a new base (35:34 / All) bLinn: lie! (35:37 / All) BEAR_AND: you need to go where (35:38 / All) Mata.: srsly (35:39 / All) Mata.: for shame (35:43 / All) BEAR_AND: you're the noobest of them (35:47 / All) BEAR_AND: there you go (35:44 / All) Mata.: i wont ever again (35:51 / All) bLinn: it is worth it (36:06 / All) BEAR_AND: damn.... Esnumer Hall (36:14 / All) BEAR_AND: eheheh (36:17 / All) bLinn: u will be the trash at least (36:20 / All) esmyst: find a new life u r (36:21 / All) BEAR_AND: u have found one (36:26 / All) BEAR_AND: find another life (36:27 / All) bLinn: where u from? (36:32 / All) esmyst: hompy (36:34 / All) BEAR_AND: smell like hompy? (36:36 / All) esmyst: smell like highperch (36:38 / All) BEAR_AND: what is highperch (36:38 / All) bLinn: the highperch (36:39 / All) timesareggars11 (106:13 / All) BEAR_AND: hey guys (106:16 / All) BEAR_AND: would you believe this? (106:17 / All) BEAR_AND: wow (106:18 / All) BEAR_AND: congrats you are moron (106:24 / All) BEAR_AND: another great game (106:27 / All) esmyst: congrats you are moron (106:31 / All) BEAR_AND: another perfect game (106:34 / All) bLinn: watch the replay child (if so bad) here (106:34 / All) BEAR_AND: youtube.com/highperch (106:38 / All) BEAR_AND: you don't have to believe me (106:43 / All) esmyst: congrates you are moron