(28:47 / All) TheHp: hi from (28:58 / All) Buchholz: gl hf (29:05 / All) timg4strok: u might be afk (29:19 / All) iggy_the_fisk: u're just....gg (29:24 / All) timg4strok: let me know if you want to start afk. (29:33 / All) timg4strok: straight races. noobs. (29:50 / All) TheHp: from??? (29:55 / All) timg4strok: be afraid. itella called (30:34 / All) timg4strok: dont walk 68days (30:36 / All) iggy_the_fisk: u panicked (30:38 / All) iggy_the_fisk: actually fyi (30:40 / All) timg4strok: gerile place (30:43 / All) timg4strok: gerile piss idiocy (30:46 / All) iggy_the_fisk: not for long (30:50 / All) iggy_the_fisk: hope you're lumb dead already (31:03 / All) iggy_the_fisk: good luck 6 kOBFLisse (31:03 / All) iggy_the_fisk: and you still aren't red (31:04 / All) timg4strok: you still have an orc friend (32:06 / All) timg4strok: find another