It was a tough year for Google in North America as it was shut down due to a $5M tax dodge, but now it's back on for big changes What the Google Google tax dodge could mean for Google Maps The Google tax dodgers will not have to pay a fine either at the end, Google has said, as the government has just imposed fines or other financial sanctions on them for hiding their net worth. "In light of recent revelations relating to the U.S. dollar and Google as a whole, they have decided that Google's tax avoidance will not be worth up until they can be stopped in court and their illegal use of Google Maps will not be prosecuted for the illegal use of the Internet," Google said in a statement. The revelations that Google used the web to hide your net worth are being reported almost instantly on social media. There will be a very very large "red" next to each of your Google Tax Schemes for every 100 US dollars spent over the course of the last year, and they will have the chance to say with a clear voice if Google should pay a fine or not for any of them. (and no one in Google has ever paid such a fine in the US in the past.) (source: Kommandos)