(02:49 / All) JakesMoobs: that was awful (02:56 / All) iggy_the_fisk: nope (03:01 / All) iggy_the_fisk: taht's not very good (03:09 / All) JakesMoobs: orc doesn't know hh (03:11 / All) iggy_the_fisk: maybe if you were on the losing team (03:16 / All) iggy_the_fisk: you'd stop using ghouls (04:13 / Allies) JakesMoobs: red youre super stupive (04:15 / Allies) JakesMoobs: come (04:20 / Allies) Mata.: need ghouls (04:29 / Allies) Mata.: or chicken (06:16 / Allies) Mata.: always remember your keeper,polol (08:10 / Allies) Mata.: 100 wood (09:22 / All) JakesMoobs: TO TEH GRAB DA RUNTER (09:24 / All) 4syouknow: DO YOU GET IT RETARDED YOU PSYCHIC? (10:02 / Allies) iggy_the_fisk: necs (10:04 / Allies) Mata.: no creep? (10:07 / Allies) Mata.: gonna try (10:26 / Allies) Mata.: gold me for expo? (10:51 / Allies) Mata.: as I say, dirt (10:52 / Allies) iggy_the_fisk: 3 <3 crypt (11:07 / Allies) Mata.: damn smarness (11:07 / Allies) iggy_the_fisk: oph shit (12:18 / Allies) JakesMoobs: wood pink? (13:17 / All) Mata.: for more noob replays like this and others, please consider making TWLLLL (13:25 / All) HIGHPERCHFUTBOL: owned son (13:29 / All) HIGHPERCHFUTBOL: suck my balls (13:52 / All) JakesMoobs: OWNED (13:54 / All) HIGHPERCHFUTBOL: thats you son (15:00 / Allies) Mata.: damn smarness right there (15:16 / Allies) iggy_the_fisk: l 2 (15:17 / Allies) Mata.: yo (15:19 / Allies) Mata.: called it (15:27 / Allies) Mata.: too late though CUT YOUR EYES OUT