
« have you been drinko9ing paint?



Uploaded 2020-02-02 20:07:51

Game version 1.32 / 1.32.1

26:37 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)MarketSquare

Saved by BEARAND
Team 0 Winner!
117 APM | 69 towers | 👑
IcebergSlim :
95 APM | 35 towers
iggythefisk :
107 APM | 47 towers | 🗣️
Mata :
94 APM | 2.8k sources fed
Team 1 Loser!
Cain87X (2) :
34 APM | 7 towers
SwagPhresh :
49 APM | 🗑️
Nekamy :
33 APM | 8 towers
ferbus :
68 APM | 3 towers


(13:26 / All)  iggythefisk: hippo riders :D
(14:59 / All)  ferbus has left the game
(15:37 / All)  BEARAND: gg wp
(15:45 / All)  iggythefisk: swagphresh
(15:46 / All)  iggythefisk: good play
(15:57 / All)  SwagPhresh has left the game
(16:58 / All)  BEARAND: gg wp
(17:03 / All)  iggythefisk: hippo riders are a bad unit
(17:06 / All)  iggythefisk: don't make them
(17:12 / All)  Cain87X: gay
(17:15 / All)  Cain87X: towers
(17:15 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(17:16 / All)  IcebergSlim: he's right
(17:17 / All)  iggythefisk: thank you
(17:18 / All)  Cain87X: wtf is that shit
(17:19 / All)  BEARAND: towers are a good unit
(17:24 / All)  BEARAND: make them!
(17:27 / All)  iggythefisk: as you can see, hippo riders also lose to heroes
(17:33 / All)  iggythefisk: so make something else
(17:34 / All)  Cain87X: yes
(17:43 / All)  Cain87X: pretty gay method
(17:45 / All)  BEARAND: ?
(17:49 / All)  Cain87X: towers
(17:50 / All)  iggythefisk: thank you
(17:52 / All)  BEARAND: :d
(17:54 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(18:04 / All)  iggythefisk: find more at our website
(18:07 / All)  iggythefisk: https://highper.ch
(18:11 / All)  iggythefisk: it's "gay"
(18:15 / All)  Cain87X: i bet
(18:24 / All)  iggythefisk: https://highper.ch
(18:24 / All)  Cain87X: and no i wont go to your website
(18:27 / All)  BEARAND: ok
(18:28 / All)  iggythefisk: Recommended by Back2Warcraft
(18:41 / All)  Cain87X: whatever the fuck that is
(18:45 / All)  BEARAND: lol
(18:56 / All)  BEARAND: The foremost warcraft 3 tshirt store on the web
(19:08 / All)  Cain87X: o so gay shit
(19:13 / All)  BEARAND: ?
(19:17 / All)  Nekamy has left the game
(19:18 / All)  iggythefisk: do you have a problem with gay people?
(19:21 / All)  IcebergSlim: what is this 1993? why are you using hetonormative slurs
(19:30 / All)  Cain87X: you dumb
(19:51 / All)  Cain87X: dumb dumb
(20:14 / All)  iggythefisk: well played
(20:17 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(20:22 / All)  Cain87X: towers
(20:27 / All)  BEARAND: they dont move
(20:31 / All)  Cain87X: pretty shit strat
(20:32 / All)  BEARAND: easy to avoid dying to
(20:35 / All)  BEARAND: but you lost?
(20:45 / All)  Cain87X: no
(20:47 / All)  Cain87X: i didnt
(20:47 / All)  IcebergSlim: it hurts every time i put my hand on this burner, do you have any advice
(20:56 / All)  Cain87X: try your face
(20:58 / All)  iggythefisk: I would never lose to towers, even if I was very gay
(21:34 / All)  Cain87X: what is this tower defence
(21:38 / All)  BEARAND: Yes
(21:39 / All)  iggythefisk: no
(21:42 / All)  BEARAND: you're a creeep
(21:45 / All)  BEARAND: running into my towers
(21:46 / All)  Cain87X: hahaha
(21:47 / All)  BEARAND: and dying
(21:47 / All)  IcebergSlim: it's a strat called squaring
(21:49 / All)  IcebergSlim: or is it cubing
(21:55 / All)  iggythefisk: you don
(21:59 / All)  IcebergSlim: hard to keep track of getting owned in multiple dimensions
(22:00 / All)  Cain87X: its dumb
(22:04 / All)  iggythefisk: you don't have to run into our towers, then they're useless
(22:12 / All)  Cain87X: like you
(22:17 / All)  BEARAND: ?
(22:18 / All)  BEARAND: we won
(22:21 / All)  Cain87X: no
(22:22 / All)  iggythefisk: I am a warcraft 3 game winning machine
(22:23 / All)  BEARAND: ??
(22:24 / All)  iggythefisk: My one purpose
(22:26 / All)  iggythefisk: I never lose
(22:27 / All)  BEARAND: who won this game?
(22:36 / All)  Cain87X: seems like a shit pourpose
(22:37 / All)  BEARAND: who
(22:38 / All)  BEARAND: won
(22:38 / All)  BEARAND: this
(22:40 / All)  BEARAND: game?
(22:41 / All)  iggythefisk: because my opponents are very bad and also they use "gay" as an insult
(22:51 / All)  Cain87X: yah but im wasting not only my time but your whole teams time now
(23:00 / All)  BEARAND: we're winniing :D
(23:07 / All)  IcebergSlim: that's one of the most common reactions to this strategy lmao
(23:07 / All)  Cain87X: nah, losing time
(23:14 / All)  IcebergSlim: ragestay is what it's called
(23:18 / All)  Cain87X: nice 1
(23:20 / All)  Cain87X: thats me
(23:34 / All)  IcebergSlim: i mean that's cool mate?
(23:37 / All)  iggythefisk: I am having a good time with my friends, there is no better way to spend your life :)
(23:47 / All)  BEARAND: we have big smiles about your chat
(23:50 / All)  BEARAND: check it out twitch.tv/bearand
(23:53 / All)  iggythefisk: I would say being angry and staying in a game is worse
(23:58 / All)  Cain87X: nice
(24:06 / All)  Cain87X: got eeem
(24:18 / All)  iggythefisk: towers are so easy to kill
(24:21 / All)  Cain87X: lopok at me
(24:22 / All)  BEARAND: see?
(24:24 / All)  Cain87X: i build towrs
(24:28 / All)  BEARAND: badly
(24:32 / All)  IcebergSlim: tower noob
(24:43 / All)  Cain87X: good
(24:43 / All)  BEARAND: watch our replays at https://highper.ch to learn how to tower
(24:51 / All)  Cain87X: nobody wants to watch your replays
(25:07 / All)  iggythefisk: Most people prefer the VODs, it's true
(25:07 / All)  Mata: your gonna be famous
(25:08 / All)  Mata: babey
(25:14 / All)  BEARAND: youtube.com/highperch
(25:22 / All)  Cain87X: yall be suckin eachoither off
(25:25 / All)  BEARAND: :D
(25:26 / All)  Cain87X: in game
(25:40 / All)  IcebergSlim: are you from florida by any chance
(25:49 / All)  Cain87X: shut up donky brains
(26:07 / All)  Cain87X: have you been drinko9ing paint?
(26:17 / All)  IcebergSlim: that;s some top tier tree hiding
(26:20 / All)  IcebergSlim: NOT
(26:22 / All)  BEARAND: right in your base
(26:22 / All)  BEARAND: nice
(26:23 / All)  Cain87X: damn
(26:25 / All)  BEARAND: owned
(26:25 / All)  Cain87X: hit me wioth the not
(26:28 / All)  BEARAND: clan towa #1
(26:33 / All)  Cain87X: well gg
(26:33 / All)  IcebergSlim: get styled on
(26:35 / All)  BEARAND: wp