
« classic Fab cry + manip



Uploaded 2022-03-17 23:40:29

Game version 1.32.10

30:51 long 1on1on1on1 ladder game on (6)SilverpineForest

Saved by ǢƂŎ
Team 0 Loser!
Fab (7) :
110 APM
Team 1 Loser!
ǢƂŎ (19) :
151 APM | 3 towers | 👑 | 🗣️
Team 2 Loser!
Sani :
46 APM | 🗑️
Team 3 Winner!
Painkiller (2) :
94 APM | 31 towers | 🛒


(0:04 / All)  ǢƂŎ: !mute #
(0:04 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Command 'mute' matched multiple players (Sani#2473, Fab#22794, Painkiller#1703, ǢƂŎ#1451) for input '#'
(0:04 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Unknown command 'mute #'
(0:10 / All)  ǢƂŎ: !unmute 1
(0:10 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Executed '!unmute Fab#22794'
(0:12 / All)  ǢƂŎ: !unmute 2
(0:12 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Executed '!unmute ǢƂŎ#1451'
(0:14 / All)  ǢƂŎ: !unmute 3
(0:14 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Executed '!unmute Sani#2473'
(6:59 / All)  Fab: ok 2ice
(7:03 / All)  ǢƂŎ: what
(7:10 / All)  Fab: creep jack 2ice
(7:11 / All)  Fab: 1v1 now
(7:17 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i don't mh
(7:54 / All)  ǢƂŎ: it's fFA don't suicide ppl
(8:02 / All)  Fab: you creep jack 2ice
(8:06 / All)  Fab: you were the one suicide
(8:07 / All)  ǢƂŎ: so?
(8:10 / All)  ǢƂŎ: creepjack=suicide?
(8:13 / All)  Fab: yup
(8:17 / All)  ǢƂŎ: whatever
(8:20 / All)  Fab: everything has consequences
(8:40 / All)  ǢƂŎ: well if u want to play like this
(8:45 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i will suicided u everygame
(12:50 / All)  Fab: blue peace
(12:56 / All)  Fab: teal has 4 epos south
(13:00 / All)  ǢƂŎ: 4?
(13:00 / All)  Fab: i'm dnearly dead
(13:01 / All)  ǢƂŎ: rly?
(13:05 / All)  Fab: why teaming
(13:11 / All)  Fab: blue cross attack me...
(13:19 / All)  Painkiller: u creeepjack me
(13:24 / All)  Fab: you lads are really good teamers
(13:30 / All)  Fab: i passed didn't attack
(13:32 / All)  ǢƂŎ: see
(13:34 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u shouldn't suicide me
(13:35 / All)  Fab: teal on me
(13:37 / All)  ǢƂŎ: now u r paying for it
(13:37 / All)  Fab: orc on me
(13:41 / All)  Fab: blue help
(13:42 / All)  Fab: scan
(14:02 / All)  ǢƂŎ: he did scan
(14:05 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i don't have 4
(14:13 / All)  Fab: he got all big points
(14:15 / All)  Fab: see his items
(15:43 / All)  Fab: he still on me
(15:55 / All)  ǢƂŎ: nah
(16:10 / All)  Fab: scan 3pm
(16:17 / All)  Fab: he got all exp
(16:39 / All)  Fab: blue he wins
(16:45 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i have no expo
(16:46 / All)  ǢƂŎ: actually
(16:47 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lol
(16:52 / All)  Fab: purp attack orc
(16:52 / All)  Painkiller: i killed em
(17:16 / All)  Fab: teal wins ezly
(17:22 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lol
(17:23 / All)  Fab: check out his bm levl and items
(17:24 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u r teal
(17:47 / All)  Fab: blue check south
(17:56 / All)  Painkiller: south is no more
(18:02 / All)  Fab: teal main
(18:03 / All)  Fab: he on me
(18:10 / All)  Fab: go roc main
(18:12 / All)  Fab: he 554
(18:32 / All)  Fab: dead
(18:33 / All)  Fab: help
(18:56 / All)  Fab: free exp for himm
(19:12 / All)  Painkiller: wasnt free
(19:13 / All)  Fab: purp
(19:19 / All)  Fab: see his army
(19:37 / All)  Fab: insane army
(19:43 / All)  Fab: with bm got all mid itmes
(20:11 / All)  Painkiller: he too strong for me
(20:19 / All)  Fab: so attack his main
(20:22 / All)  Fab: he on me now
(20:24 / All)  Fab: go his main
(20:33 / All)  Fab: gogo
(20:35 / All)  Fab: he on me
(20:39 / All)  Fab: in my base
(20:41 / All)  Fab: go his main
(21:21 / All)  Fab: go his main
(21:28 / All)  Painkiller: he tpd
(21:39 / All)  ǢƂŎ: blue , u can win
(21:44 / All)  Fab: keep going
(21:45 / All)  ǢƂŎ: after i beat him
(21:50 / All)  ǢƂŎ: his name is Fab
(21:51 / All)  Fab: he lier
(21:54 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i left him alive early game
(21:58 / All)  Fab: after i'm gon
(22:09 / All)  Painkiller: alright
(22:11 / All)  Painkiller: settle this
(22:12 / All)  ǢƂŎ: anyway fab
(22:16 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i gave u a chance to play fair game
(22:18 / All)  Fab: he will destroy each of you ezly
(22:20 / All)  ǢƂŎ: but u just wanted to suicide
(22:28 / All)  ǢƂŎ: now next time i see u
(22:32 / All)  Fab: i'll make sure you die teal
(22:35 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u just get raped
(22:41 / All)  ǢƂŎ: and i will upload to youtube every game
(22:41 / All)  Fab: you noob
(22:43 / All)  ǢƂŎ: like old days
(22:45 / All)  Fab: i raped you many times
(22:49 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lol
(22:50 / All)  Fab: i got bad position this time
(22:53 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u were quiet as fuck
(22:57 / All)  ǢƂŎ: everytime i 1v1 u
(23:02 / All)  Fab: you low skill noob
(23:04 / All)  ǢƂŎ: so i pity you
(23:05 / All)  ǢƂŎ: since then
(23:09 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i stopped going first at you
(23:11 / All)  Fab: only got lucky as i was teamed in the beginning
(23:11 / All)  ǢƂŎ: but guess what?
(23:12 / All)  ǢƂŎ: dog doesn't learn
(23:15 / All)  ǢƂŎ: dog wants to 1v1 again
(23:18 / All)  ǢƂŎ: there's your chance
(23:26 / All)  Fab: you noob cunt
(23:56 / All)  Fab: 554
(24:02 / All)  ǢƂŎ: blue just don't listen to him
(24:06 / All)  ǢƂŎ: this guy is always like this
(24:10 / All)  ǢƂŎ: manip then be rude
(24:11 / All)  Sani has left the game
(24:13 / All)  Painkiller: yea
(24:14 / All)  Fab: remove all his expos lads
(24:25 / All)  Painkiller: im figuring out who that is
(24:34 / All)  ǢƂŎ: did you play him before?
(24:37 / All)  ǢƂŎ: he is #1 cunt
(24:37 / All)  Painkiller: possible
(24:42 / All)  ǢƂŎ: taht's why i always go for him
(25:03 / All)  Fab: blue you win
(25:10 / All)  Fab: i just will erase him
(25:16 / All)  Painkiller: i wont interfere
(25:19 / All)  Painkiller: until one of you
(25:20 / All)  Fab: like i always do
(25:20 / All)  ǢƂŎ: now he is begging you to stop team
(25:21 / All)  Painkiller: leave the game
(25:25 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u see blue
(25:26 / All)  Painkiller: hwo bout that
(25:29 / All)  ǢƂŎ: he first makes you his teammate
(25:33 / All)  ǢƂŎ: but now you know who he is
(25:37 / All)  ǢƂŎ: he asks you not to team
(25:40 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lmao
(25:51 / All)  Fab: as long am not teamed
(25:53 / All)  Fab: i rap you
(26:10 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lmao
(26:37 / All)  Fab: how many times i arped you yesterday youtube boy
(26:42 / All)  Fab: how much you earn today?
(26:48 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u probably are too dumb
(26:49 / All)  ǢƂŎ: xD
(27:17 / All)  Fab: blue i'll just make sure you win
(27:23 / All)  Fab: by dragging him
(27:37 / All)  Fab: teal built expo at 7 just let you know
(27:49 / All)  Fab: blue you should take 7
(28:02 / All)  Painkiller: taking 12
(28:10 / All)  Fab: i'll make sure you win blue
(28:13 / All)  Fab: just take all expos
(28:18 / All)  Fab: not letting orc take it
(28:25 / All)  Fab: i'll drag him at my base
(28:33 / All)  Fab: take 12, 7 8
(28:37 / All)  Fab: all actually
(28:43 / All)  Fab: cause if orc does
(29:23 / All)  Fab: he fed on me now
(29:24 / All)  Fab: scan
(29:28 / All)  Fab: blue you lose
(29:32 / All)  Fab: he 66
(29:35 / All)  Fab: scan 3
(29:37 / All)  ǢƂŎ: just stfu
(29:39 / All)  Painkiller: im 6-5-4
(29:42 / All)  Painkiller: i can handle myself
(29:57 / All)  Fab: well if that's the case
(30:04 / All)  Fab: i'll go rape him in the next game
(30:06 / All)  Fab has left the game
(30:07 / All)  ǢƂŎ: lol
(30:10 / All)  ǢƂŎ: this guy
(30:10 / All)  Painkiller: lol
(30:12 / All)  ǢƂŎ: such a joke
(30:12 / All)  Painkiller: im watching this rep
(30:16 / All)  Painkiller: yea
(30:18 / All)  Painkiller: toxic af
(30:24 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i knew who he is from the very beginning
(30:24 / All)  Painkiller: u gave him a good beatin
(30:26 / All)  Painkiller: i assume
(30:28 / All)  ǢƂŎ: yah
(30:31 / All)  Painkiller: good
(30:32 / All)  Painkiller: wp
(30:32 / All)  ǢƂŎ: he is just very annoying
(30:34 / All)  ǢƂŎ: all the time
(30:36 / All)  ǢƂŎ: wp
(30:37 / All)  ǢƂŎ: u win
(30:39 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i leave
(30:41 / All)  Painkiller: meet mid?
(30:42 / All)  ǢƂŎ: !mute #
(30:43 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Command 'mute' matched multiple players (Painkiller#1703, ǢƂŎ#1451) for input '#'
(30:43 / Private)  ǢƂŎ: Unknown command 'mute #'
(30:43 / All)  Painkiller: before
(30:46 / All)  ǢƂŎ: nah no need
(30:48 / All)  ǢƂŎ: i gotta eat
(30:48 / All)  Painkiller: kk
(30:50 / All)  ǢƂŎ: cheers
(30:50 / All)  Painkiller: gg
(30:51 / All)  ǢƂŎ has left the game