
   beautiful feralas



Uploaded 2019-12-02 01:36:17

Game version /

76:22 long 4on4 ladder game on (8)Feralas_LV

Saved by BEARAND
Team 0 Winner!
iggythefisk :
113 APM | 57 towers | 🗣️
Cocorico76 :
28 APM | 7 towers | 6.1k sources fed | 🗑️
Mata :
112 APM | 47 towers | 3.4k sources fed
129 APM | 162 towers | 👑
Team 1 Loser!
60 APM | 10 towers
Death :
61 APM | 28 towers | 0.6k sources fed
130 APM
Muggy :
84 APM | 8 towers | 3.4k sources fed


(0:20 / All)  iggythefisk: pizza
(0:21 / All)  iggythefisk has paused the game
(0:23 / All)  iggythefisk: 1 sec
(0:26 / All)  BEARAND: hes here
(0:28 / All)  BEARAND: just paying
(0:31 / All)  iggythefisk: delivery
(0:34 / All)  Death: Np
(0:34 / Allies)  Cocorico76: ..
(0:36 / All)  iggythefisk: for some yum y um game time
(0:40 / All)  Mata has resumed the game
(0:41 / All)  Cocorico76: ??
(0:44 / All)  BEARAND: we're good
(0:44 / All)  iggythefisk: thx gl hf
(0:46 / All)  BEARAND: pizza is settled
(0:59 / All)  Death: Lol
(1:08 / All)  Cocorico76: give me some pizza too
(3:58 / All)  DPMN: nice try
(8:26 / All)  DPMN: hahaha
(16:22 / All)  DPMN: dota?
(20:13 / All)  iggythefisk: muggy
(20:15 / All)  iggythefisk: new to the game?
(20:28 / All)  iggythefisk: don't run into towers :(
(21:53 / Allies)  iggythefisk: don't suicide Coco
(21:57 / Allies)  iggythefisk: leave this land
(22:03 / Allies)  iggythefisk: don't
(22:04 / Allies)  BEARAND: use cata to break trees
(22:04 / Allies)  iggythefisk: don't go
(22:06 / Allies)  BEARAND: go to m y base
(22:09 / Allies)  iggythefisk: abandon your home
(22:24 / Allies)  iggythefisk: town portal away to safety
(22:26 / Allies)  iggythefisk: no...
(22:28 / Allies)  iggythefisk: why..
(25:42 / Allies)  Cocorico76: why
(25:51 / Allies)  Cocorico76: because its not a tower rush
(25:53 / Allies)  iggythefisk: why did you lose your heroes and units
(25:59 / Allies)  Cocorico76: towers is useless
(26:00 / Allies)  iggythefisk: bad play
(26:03 / Allies)  Cocorico76: vs catapult
(26:03 / Allies)  iggythefisk: towers will win
(26:05 / Allies)  Cocorico76: no
(26:08 / Allies)  iggythefisk: 100% we win this game
(26:10 / Allies)  iggythefisk: stay and see
(26:11 / Allies)  Cocorico76: lol
(26:11 / Allies)  iggythefisk: noob
(26:14 / Allies)  Cocorico76: u noob
(26:15 / Allies)  iggythefisk: stay and see
(26:19 / Allies)  iggythefisk: https://highper.ch
(26:25 / Allies)  Cocorico76: catapult >>>> towers
(26:29 / Allies)  iggythefisk: no
(26:39 / Allies)  Cocorico76: omg
(27:31 / Allies)  Cocorico76: and frost undead destroy towers easy
(27:34 / Allies)  iggythefisk: np
(27:35 / Allies)  iggythefisk: no
(27:37 / Allies)  iggythefisk: just stay and watch
(27:41 / Allies)  iggythefisk: we win 100% noob
(27:45 / Allies)  Cocorico76: lol
(28:04 / All)  Cocorico76: idiot go make catapult
(28:56 / Allies)  Cocorico76: 100% win u funny
(29:00 / Allies)  iggythefisk: 100%
(29:31 / Allies)  Cocorico76: they have ressource
(29:43 / Allies)  Cocorico76: towers useless
(30:13 / Allies)  Cocorico76: gg tank
(30:19 / Allies)  iggythefisk: tanks free xp
(30:51 / Allies)  Cocorico76: u cant win this because they have gold
(31:01 / Allies)  Cocorico76: so u tech is useless
(31:10 / Allies)  iggythefisk: they have nothing
(32:25 / All)  Cocorico76: nice my team play only towers loll
(32:38 / All)  Death: x)
(32:56 / All)  Cocorico76: towers + heroes very nice to loose
(33:02 / Allies)  iggythefisk: we win you noob
(36:14 / All)  Cocorico76: they dont have nothing only towers noob
(44:19 / All)  Cocorico76: lol 50 towers again
(46:01 / All)  DPMN: if u play this when the game is out i report u guys
(46:06 / All)  BEARAND: cool
(46:08 / All)  iggythefisk: for supreme ownage?
(46:16 / All)  DPMN: u guys loose
(46:18 / All)  DPMN: no gold
(49:17 / All)  Death: /
(49:46 / All)  DPMN: my team is too stupid to make raiders
(49:55 / All)  iggythefisk: units are for scrubs
(50:02 / All)  iggythefisk: that rely on crutches
(51:16 / All)  Muggy has left the game
(51:19 / All)  DPMN has left the game
(51:27 / All)  LGIUDna has left the game
(51:30 / Allies)  iggythefisk: 100% win
(51:32 / Allies)  Cocorico76: u lucky they are so stupid
(51:36 / Allies)  BEARAND: they always are
(51:36 / Allies)  iggythefisk: no luck
(51:39 / Allies)  iggythefisk: didn't I tell you?
(51:44 / All)  iggythefisk: didn't I tell you?
(51:45 / Allies)  iggythefisk: 100%
(51:49 / Allies)  iggythefisk: and you said we would lose
(51:51 / Allies)  iggythefisk: now you understand
(51:54 / Allies)  Cocorico76: not in ranked
(52:00 / Allies)  iggythefisk: https://highper.ch
(52:07 / Allies)  Cocorico76: u cant win like this in ranked
(52:13 / Allies)  iggythefisk: we have won like this in ranked for 15 years
(52:18 / Allies)  Cocorico76: they are more smart
(52:19 / Allies)  iggythefisk: 100%
(52:21 / Allies)  iggythefisk: no they are not
(52:26 / Allies)  Mata: they are absolutely not more smart
(52:42 / Allies)  Cocorico76: my last gold
(53:12 / Allies)  BEARAND: nice
(53:21 / Allies)  Cocorico76: bye gg
(53:24 / Allies)  BEARAND: bye
(53:25 / All)  Cocorico76 has left the game
(53:26 / Allies)  iggythefisk: bye gg hope you learned
(61:30 / All)  BEARAND: https://highper.ch
(61:32 / All)  BEARAND: clan towa #1
(62:00 / All)  BEARAND: are you in a clan?
(65:45 / All)  BEARAND: hello :)
(72:59 / All)  iggythefisk: sorry you weren't smart enough to win
(73:51 / All)  iggythefisk: copying our strats ;)
(74:00 / All)  BEARAND: learn more tower strats at https://highper.ch/
(76:26 / All)  Mata: thank you for this game
(76:36 / All)  Death: <3
(76:39 / All)  iggythefisk has left the game
(76:39 / All)  Mata has left the game